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Everything posted by TacticallySharp

  1. I love my tools also! This knife has become my go to Knife on the bench. As a bladesmith, that does some leathercrafting, I know a good knife when I see it. This knife is very special. Jeff Cook really out did himself with this one. This is my first cobalt knife and it is really sharp and keeps it's edge. I strop it before and after each use, I love taking care of it.
  2. Silvia, I have 4 BK knives. I use his blades and Tandy type (standard) blades in them also. Just ask Barry to send you some adaptor sleeves. He sent me 3 of them so I could use my 2 ceramic blades and a ruby blade I like. After seeing the adaptors I made 4 more for some of my other blades. I only strop the BK blades by eye/hand, no jig. It took me a couple of weeks to get it right and I am a bladesmith. I love his knives.
  3. I have made many basic sheaths for fixed blade knives, this is my first pouch with a flap for a pocket knife. The client wanted it to look old but, not beaten-up, personalized, and with brass hardward to match the pins he requested on the knife. Ligthing of photo is to best show the sheath, not the damascus blade.
  4. TacticallySharp

    My First Album

    some of the itms I have made during my first year of Leathercrafting
  5. Really sharp looking.
  6. I make mine out of clear plexiglass, 1/6", then trace around it. I also drill a 1/4" hole in it and have them hanging over my design bench.
  7. I made mine with a wooden wheel that hhas four channels, one of them is coverd with canvas. I water&saddle soap and then burnish it with the wheel. If it needs more then I repeat the operation until I get what I want. I edge coat, then coat everything with auzzie and then take it to the wheel for one last pass. Works well for me.
  8. Nice cuffs. I made a set based on a photo. They came out OK, with your pattern I will make a Great set to wear with silver hardware and a tooled image of a knife (I am mainly a Bladesmith) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
  9. Order mine from tuffcase.com They produce both maker and custom designed by you stamps. My makers design is the photo on my profile.
  10. My 3 Barry King swivel knives, 2 with custom full ring yokes. Barry made these for me to help me keep them off the floor as I have a problem with my hands and they keep cramping and the knife falls out of my hand Two of them (on the left) have custom casted Jeff Cook Cobalt blades that are very fast and smooth to cut with. Both to the spec I asked for. Thank you guys, I look forward to doing future business with you both.
  11. From the album: My First Album

    My 3 Barry King swivel knives, 2 with custom full ring yokes. Barry made these for me to help me keep them off the floor as I have a problem with my hands and they keep crapping and fall. Two of them (on the left) hand custom casted Jeff Cook Cobalt blades that are very fast and smooth to cut with.

    © © G. Brackett

  12. Not sure what kind of wood. When I described the spacers I wanted, he said he had this wood in his shop for some time he believed would look good. Since he is the craftman of this project, I said make it as you feel it will be best. Jeff is a true artist and craftsman, who better than the maker to create the best looking knife he can. I am truly proud to own my first J. Cook Blade. I am sure as I get more into the craft I will order more from him and each will be a functional piece of art with an fine cutting edge.
  13. I finally made the plung, ordered a custom round knife from Jeff Cook and it needed a home. So I made a quick sheath out of some scrape leather that was laying around my table. 13 oz., 3 layers, hand sewned and rubbed with some Fiebing's Hi-Liter over some Tan dye, and treated with Auzzie to protect it. Quick, simple and fast.
  14. © G. Brackett on photo and sheath.
  15. A quick sheath to protect both the blade and me.
  16. I have only been working with leather for about a year now and started carving recently. I got my basic seven for carving and tooling about 6 weeks ago. At a workshop I tried a custom round knife that someone had and it worked nicer than my Osborne. I decided then that I need to research makers and buy a good knife. After about a month of reading and a couple of phone calls to different makers I found Jeff Cook. He makes coblat round knives. I talked to Jeff several time before deciding to buy one of his knives. Since I have major problems with my hand muscles (due to working on a computer for 30+ years) some special attention had to go into this project. Jeff listen, suggested, designed, and made my new knife. Jeff is both professional and a true craftsman. This knife is unbelievable! The finish is 5 star and the edge cuts like a hot thin blade thru butter. A 3" dual purpose blade with a 3.5" custom handle out of the purtiest wood I have seen on a round knife. Great Craftsmanship, good value, timely delivery, and a Fantastic person to deal with!!!
  17. I make knives, got tired of having cheap looking sheaths made for my good looking knives. Found a leathersmith who made a few for me and he convinced me to make my own basic ones. I found it not to be too hard, and the fun began. Two months ago I started carving and tooling. The bug got me! 108 midas vintage tools, 2 round knives, 1 jeff Cook Cobalt custom on the way, 3 Barry King swivel knives, and a clicker on the way later. You are right it is fun and I have not mentioned the 40 vintage Crafttools, punches, dies, and stamps. Nor the Basic 7 set that sits on the shelf. Yep, it sure does not cost a whole lot, and THANK GOD , the wife likes me having a hobby in leather as it gets me away from the steel for awhile. Tandy is a good place to start but, if you get lucky and find a true leathersmith as I did you will learn a lot faster and have more fun starting up. Thank you Lui at Daddy's Leather Supply in Miami, Florida. My very first attempt at making something out of my first solo piece, I will wear it with pride as I at least tried my hand at it, newer stuff is looking better.
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