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Everything posted by shadowryder

  1. Just finished this one for a friend,standard solo seat for Honda Fury cruiser, fitted gel pad and memory foam internals, cover is 3mm veg tan on top and thick hide upholstery leather on the sides, Put together with Mexican braid, dyed with fieblings spirit dyes,antiqued and finished with diluted then full mix Resoline..
  2. They are well cool mate,a cracking job,As GM99 says pre coloured shoulder is great stuff to work with. Well done..
  3. My personal choice would be the seiko,a long time origional brand name,the other two makes I beleave are clones of the seiko any way..though I may be wrong!!!
  4. Finish is nothing but neatsfoot oil and then 3 to 4 coaoats of resoline /water 50/50 mix then 1 coat straight.
  5. you know what man for a 1st time job thats pretty cool!! dont expect loads of comments n encouragement on here buddy,you may get 3 or 4 comments for 200 plus views. I like your bag be proud of it buddy,
  6. made this a few weeks ago just got pics back from client of seat on bike, OK tried to attach photos site tells me every time my photos are too big to load SO here is a link to my facebook album. https://www.facebook.com/BatShadowLeathers/photos/ms.c.eJw9y9ENwDAIA9GNKgMx4P0Xa5M0~_Xw6nRqeHGKErPPRtMjOcrM4jq93tV~;vzuNcvbRcoBxgjPidmD2L1~;MH~_gWHbxoD.bps.a.980265475339188.1073741847.499121750120232/980265495339186/?type=1&theater *****************
  7. Thanks for your comments, I did a 1 piece form ,wetforming the front on a board with a wood insert and once I got the desired shape I stapled the leather into place until dry, I then made the back and belt loop and hand stitched them all together with nylon sail thread. thanks again, JJ.
  8. THANKS ALL, Some really great advice and solutions there, will try and get hold some of the clicker press back board,the lead sounds a good idea but I would have to buy from a scrap dealer or similar so I wont use that one, I will keep all the suggestions in mind and work thru them till I find what suits me best. MANY THANKS FOLKS JJ.
  9. Hi, as the title says What is best surface material for hole punching on the bench.I have used plastic/nylon kitchen chopping boards which are ruining the sharp edges on my punches, I have used the green self heal cutting boards too but they do not heal from punch holes and that ruins the boards and both things can work out quite expensive. Would appreciate all and any advice from those who know, many thanks JJ.
  10. I also had thoughts on the wood branding tool to see if it any good, maybe on my next project.
  11. unfortunately that is the worst of 4 pictures I took but site is telling me the other 3 are too big to go on the post,and I do not know how to resize them. this from photobucket
  12. This may be sacrilage to the purists of our craft but I have tried many times to do traditional and cannot get it to work out, So I decided to experiment on a job I,ve been asked to do with my engraving tool. I was asked to do a tribal wolf on a small bobber seat, This is what I,ve done so far.. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm267/cowboyjj/DSC_0011_zpsjnpvoav0.jpg?1429454698924&1429454701479 What do youthink. JJ
  13. Thanks buddy, pic was taken at bottom of the Great Orme on beach outside Llandudno north wales. J
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