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Everything posted by shadowryder

  1. Well pics and text missing from first post so i will put pictures up again,
  2. Thanks Jazzman, Yeah customer very happy is gonna give me some pics of it on the bike soon so will put them up to see. I to have a disability with my lower spine and legs so I converted my shadow into a trike so that I can keep riding. Cannot say I Know of the guy or group you mentioned. There appears to be some of my text and my pictures missing from my post.
  3. Hi, I was asked to make a seat for a Dreamcatcher theme painted harley,client wanted it to resemble a native american pony saddle of the old west era with fringe and mexican braid, I was given a modified Le Pera steel pan and foam to work with and this is what I came up with.
  4. Advance enterprises Wrexham north wales. https://www.advance-enterprises.co.uk/ http://www.castlesewing.co.uk/ http://www.sewingmachinery.co.uk/ http://www.industrialsewing.co.uk/industrial-sewing-machines/cylinder-arm this Adler would be perfect for you.
  5. Well not sure how I did it but I got this working properly again now, mainly thru fiddling and guess work and youtube but I got there she is now working fine. Thanks for all help advice. JJ
  6. Do you want cylinder arm or flatbed, ?? Some suggestions,, Adler 69, Seiko cw8-b,
  7. Thank you I do have these and are useful but I am not getting much help from them for trouble shooting faults etc.
  8. the top foot is leaving quite a deep impression on the leather when going up n down also I have tried to alter the foot pressure softer and harder without any difference. I do not think it possible to "neutral the forward reverse on this machine but May be so will try to check it tomorrow. Thanks any other suggestions gratefully received
  9. Hi does anyone have a manual for techsew 2700 or similar I.E seiko cw8b , cowboy cb2700, consew 227r cylinder arm versions, would be greatly appreciated if someone had one I could download or print off. Thanks JJ.
  10. OK Guys thanks to your tips and this video i found { } I have managed to re set the clutch and basically re set the timing on the machine,It is now sewing BUT I am now finding that I have to pull the leather thru the machine as even though the top and bottom feet are moving they will not feed the fabric thru on its own forward or reverse,it sews in n out the same hole unless I pull the leather thru by hand, HELP PLEASE,, sorry for being a dumb ass but I am trying to learn,,, thanks again.
  11. The small wheel on shaft is tight and connecting on button but the shaft is not turning when the clutch turns with the belt. do you have a diagram of how small spring etc is attached please as i found the spring fipped off in bottom of machine space, sorry for being a bit dumb on this but I am a bit of a technophobe. thanks again.
  12. hi guys have tried that its not working "clutch" is just turning round the shaft and shaft not movingclockwise or counter CW is the same. thanks for your posts.
  13. Hi guys,I have recently bought one of these machines here in the UK.{used} I am slowly getting used to it but havent made anything with it yet. Any way whilst running some practice pieces of leather yesterday the machine jammed up and stopped, on investigation I found that a small screw had come loose on the shuttle and jammed up the mechanism,I reved this and screwed it back into where it came from thinking right ok again, How wrong could I be???? I found that while the machine ran the shaft that runs the shuttle does not turn anymore and following it back it gos into this centrifugal clutch which having read a bit is a safety clutch which kicks in to prevent damage, Anyhow I downloaded manuals etc I could find on the web but none of them tell me how to re set this clutch,, SO can anyone on here please Help me, IN the SIMPLEST terms possible cos I aint a techno head.with pics would be great. Thankyou in advance.
  14. Here are a few helpful books on the subject. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Leather-Tooling-Carving-Chris-Groneman/dp/0486230619
  15. Dunno if its the "right" way to do things but what i do when making anything with a gusset is I will measure the outer edge of the front panel which should give the length needed and if flaps are required I then add that length to it.
  16. I hate to tell you this buddy cos your work is awesome!!! I cannot find any trace of you on etsy
  17. Thanks a lot guys this info is really great. I just wish the 153 was a bit closer to take a look at it as the seller wont give any more info than "its in working order. Again thanks so much for the info.
  18. Hi Again sorry to be a pain but what would be the verdict on this for my type of work. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stiching-Machine-/201182401241?pt=UK_Crafts_Leathercraft_LE&hash=item2ed767d2d9
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