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Mike Craw

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Everything posted by Mike Craw

  1. Hey rickyfro! Here is a photo of the stamp ends of the Gomph-Hackbarth tools next to the impression strip I posted originally. The "mules-foot" tool is shown across the bottom with a Craftool U-710 for comparison. Hope this serves to answer your question. Mike
  2. When Carlos got a recent leather shippment from Siegel, there was a special offer for a 15 piece basic stamp set from Ellis Barnes, who makes Hackbarth Tools in Elfrida, AZ. He ordered one set for each of us. When we got our tools, I liked them so much, I found the listing for Gomph-Hackbarth tools and ordered a catalog. Mr. Barnes sent a copy of his stamp catalog and a flier with the basic tool offer and a small leather strip with an impression for each tool. He included a had written note that said he is 86 years old and has been making tools for 67 years. He also told us to go ahead and order all the tools we want because, "I need the money." I have tried to photograph the leather strip with the tool impressions and the list of the tools included in the 15 piece set. These are outstanding quality stamps, and would be great for a beginner, or to upgrade tools you already have. Mr. Barnes says that ordered individually, these 15 would cost $465. The set sells for $125 + $5 postage. He takes credit cards and you can call him at (520) 642-3891. I'm not in any way connected to Gomph-Hackbarth or Ellis Barnes. I just know we get a lot of questions on where to get a high quality set of tools, and I found one! Mike Craw
  3. Exactly the question I was going to ask! Mike Craw St. Simons Island, GA
  4. Hey Charlene! Glad to see that you got your question answered, but sorry to hear that it took weeks. Next time you hit a little obstacle, just get on and ask. Nnobody will think it's a dumb question (we can all top yours with dumber questions we asked when we were getting started) and there is a wealth of knowledge here just waiting to be tapped. Each of us does things a little differently, depending on who our teacher was, but we are all trying to get better and help everybody else. If Bruce, and Greg, and Troy, and all the other saddle makers on here can't answer your question, it will be the first time! Have fun... Mike
  5. I'm sure that I can't possibly be the first to notice that our Clay M is the leather artist who carved and tooled the cover of the Sept/Oct Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal, and wrote the article about how to tool it, but maybe I can be the first to congratulate him on a really nice piece of work! Nice job, Clay! Mike
  6. Hey car52! I think the problem lies in the type of camera you are using. If it is an autofocus with one non-replaceable lens, then you are getting closer to your subject than the camera can focus. If you look at the third photo, you will see that the leaves in the background are in focus, so it is not camera movement that's causing the problem. If your camera has a "Close-up" setting (Usually denoted by a single flower) give that a try. Mike
  7. Yikes! Every time you think you might be pretty good at something, you see somebody do something that redefines good. Thanks Anne! Mike
  8. Shirley, I just looked at your site again. I guess I only looked at (and drooled over) the seats, but for some reason I never saw the bracelets. They are beautiful, and I can't imagine that you could even do them for that price, let alone be cheerful and respectful in your response to a request to do them for less. I think your answer was just fine. Maybe he'd like a nice rubber 'Live Strong' bracelet... OH, I'm an old fart, veteran, retired... Mike ...and I can't spell!
  9. Hey Tank! Not a hit. but a couple of suggestions. You might want to consider bringing your decorative stamping up around the top of the holster for a more finished look. I would also suggest that the straps around the holster go the other direction, with the end of the billets going through the buckles and laying down against the pouch. I think that might keep them from catching on anything. Other than that, I agree with the other comments, looks good, and welcome to the site. Mike
  10. The last word I got was "pre-hack" when we were getting up a raffle for one of his wallets. Anyone who wanted to kick in $10-$20 for a chance on a custom KK wallet could send a PayPal message to hdwiseguy@cableone.net. I assume that is his email address. The only thing I can suggest is that you try him at that address. Mike
  11. That must be in "yak years"...
  12. I'd like to add my thanks for the job, above and beyond! Any possibility of finding out who (and more to the point, GPS coordinates) did it? That clown needs a personal visit! Mike
  13. Happy Birthday, Johanna! Thank you for all your help over the years, and your patience with my 18th Century approach to thei 21st Century machine. Mike
  14. Thanks for the kind words guys. Skip, the banjo strap is the narrow one on top in the photo. Mike
  15. Just finished these three today for my nephews. One sister's two boys, Nate and Henry, play guitar. The other sister's son, Chris, plays banjo. I made them as similar as I could so that nobody got one that was "better" than the other two. If you've raised more than one kid, you know!
  16. Hey Denise! I don't ever holler at Johanna, loud or soft. I can only rely on quite and reverent supplication! As bad as I am with computers, I a.) ALWAYS assume it's something I've done wrong, and b.) know that Johanna is my only hope of getting an explanation and solution!! Thanks so much for the heads-up about the box. I just figgured that stuff I sent would go to the "Sent" folder. I just never looked there before, so I didn't know it wasn't going there. Like I said, I should stick to the note wrapped around a rock. Mike P.S. Great looking dog!
  17. Hey Holly! I tried to send you a message, but it put me into the "My Controls" page, and I couldn't find anything in my "Sent Messages" tab, so I don't know if you got it or not! Ain't technology great??? Let me know how to send you the money through PayPal for the books. I hope you have better luck than I did. I'd do better with a note tied around a rock! Mike
  18. Hey Ron! If your customer is adamant about having a rawhide weave (and is willing to pay what you ask) then there is was a step-by-step guide in LCSJ several years ago. If you don't have access to it, let me know and I'll send you a copy via snail mail. If he'll go for a sewn leather cover, then I'd jump on that before he changes his mind!! Mike
  19. Congratulations David! Those hands look like they might be able to help with some lacing before too long! Mike
  20. I just got a flier in the mail that Tandy is offering the Stohlman Saddle books for $39.99 each rather than the regular $79.99. Mike
  21. Shirley, On our marketplace would be great. On Ebay would be OK. "Next to nothing"...I don't think so! Mike
  22. Clay, Thaks so much for sharing the photos, and thanks especially for including the name tags in the photos with the items. It is great to be able to see who is responsible for these works of art! Mike
  23. Wolvie - I don't know, the kids that have seen them so far are CRAZY about them...go figure! Hey, congrats on becoming a Daddy! Mulefoot - Imagine what MY retinas look like! Luke - You're right. But given the relative value of the saddles we started with, I think we just doubled them with the new seats.
  24. A lady brought two fairly old saddles to the shop and told Carlos that she wanted one seat re-done in lime green and the other in pink. She said that when her daughter goes to horse shows, other kids borrow her saddles and she has trouble finding them after the competition. She picked up the green one before I could get a photo of it, but the leather in the background is what that was covered in. Give her credit...she won't have any trouble finding them now!! Mike
  25. Put in a coffee maker, and you'd never have to leave the house!! Mike
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