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Everything posted by electrathon

  1. I think your only valid options are going to be the tip an or hand sewing. With a low end level of production, hand sewing is likely your best choice.
  2. Do not try to harden it. Just use veg tan. You want the holes to stretch out a little as you are drive the punch through.
  3. If I am lucky, I get it on the second try. Usually it is on the third.
  4. If you use leather for your template the leather will easily stretch to allow you to punch through the template. Once your template is straight there is no variance in your hole alignment.
  5. I just happen to have made one. I do not have the measurements, but have a pic of how the inside payed out.
  6. Braided rope will not show twist patterning through the leather.
  7. This is a video of a round knife cutting through a stack of leather. https://instagram.com/p/svqvXNogvV/
  8. Modifying the toe box area is not that big of a deal and they can be built up rather simply. The area near the ball of the foot is kind of critical in shape and measurement. The heal height is not something that can be easily adjusted, lasts are designed with heel height and toe spring in them. It is getting pretty advanced to be modifying to this leval.
  9. Here is a picture to answer your question. The cut edge was done on a stack of leather an inch thick, in one cut. No butchered up chopped edges that then require fixing, just a good clean edge. I would love to see a similar example done with a box cutter, band saw, kitchen knife or any knife of someone's choice.I stated earlier, I have meany knives of many different kinds. I use them where they work best. A round knife is commonly my knife of choice. If fear is your prime factor stopping you from stepping up to use the best tool for the job it is simply a learning curve to lean safe handling of any knife, box cutter or round knife, please read, learn and practice. Your work will improve when you use the best tool for the job. Yes, you can use a lesser tool, but it is easier to do a better job with a better tool.
  10. Wider is better. I can not attest to the quality of any of these, except to say that the people that I have talked to that have bought splitters recently needed to work on the blades right out of the box.
  11. Like King's X I also teach at Tandy. Sometimes beginner to more advanced classes. I think you will find that the quality of classes will vary from store to store. And even from instructor to instructor at each store. There is no set class format. I recommend trying a time or two and see how it goes. Also as King's X said, read here, a lot.
  12. Just to be clear, I am not saying that a round knife is the only tool to cut leather with. It just works better much of the time. I personally own other kinds of knives, I use many/most of them. Probably not an exaggeration to say the I own them all. I am a tool guy. With that said, a round knife can likely be replaced with other kinds of knives at almost any point. Just that a round knife will often do the job better than others in the proper application. A dull round knife will just leave people wondering why anyone wants to use a round knife in the first place. The car/grocery store analysis is a great one, but I think you use the improper cars in the comparison: But in that line of thought, I could by a Honda to go to the grocery store - it will get the job done. But so would a Yugo just as well and for much less cost and much more maintenance. Quality round knives require very little to keep them sharp. Box cutters need to be sharpened right out of the box (it you want them really sharp) and require constant touching up to keep them sharp. As a comparison, when I personally am saying sharp, I am not referring to the sort of sharp of a box cutter. I am referring to the push down gently on your knife and realize you cut through the leather and wedged it into your cutting board sharp.
  13. It is like saying what is the use of a pick-up, I have a car (or vice versa). You can survive without one, but once you learn how it is used and why you have a hard time understanding why people are opposed to learning the best way just because they have learned a functional way. One reason I have witnessed people not liking them is because they buy a crappy soft wont properly sharpen knife. Then they are frustrated that it is a crappy soft wont hold an edge knife. A quality round knife will out cut any box cutter in so many ways. A so-so box cutter will out cut any dull soft crappy round knife.
  14. Men's? Women's? High heal? Adult? Child? How big is the pile if all put in a box? How much does he want is sold as a package? If they are pretty beat up they are not incredibly valuable. There are some listed locally on Craig's list for $2 each, but they are not paired.
  15. If they are in pairs, depending on style, there is a demand. Where are they located? Are you trying to sell them one pair at a time or do you want o fill p the bed of someone's trunk? This will have a huge affect on value. I am interested depending on price and location.
  16. If you "seal" it with risolene or sheen then the snow seal will not be able to soak in. For a basic sheath I would just put the snow seal on it. Actually, I would use Dr Jacksons, but snow seal is similar.
  17. I like your work, looks very nice. The Starrett collets are good. The only issue I see is a flat spot for your thumb to rest and hold the awl in alignment is invaluable. The spots you had before are ok, but you have to constantly look. A flat spot holds it perfectly without looking. Also it keeps it from rolling and hit tong the floor. I think your price is inline. Nice work.
  18. This is great news! I like a lot of your stuff and have bought from you a few times, but your PDF catalog was far from friendly. This is a happy change.
  19. I have no idea to answer your question, but I would call the shoes, "stubbornly strong shoes". Wallets, "smart ass wallets".
  20. I have never seen one before with the longer leg sharpened. Two legs the same, both are sharp. One leg longer, shorter is sharp. As I have seen.
  21. Going full strength can lead to so VERY dark coloring. Usually tan is dark brown, light brown is dark brown, medium brown is way dark brown, dark brown is almost black and so on. DO TEST PIECES FIRST! Let the piece dry for a few hours, the color will change. Also, one color will dye will not produce the sane color on the leather. You need to know the tannery the leather came from to make sure it is the same.
  22. The long leg hangs off the edge of the leather, the short leg makes the cut. Puts a bead down the edge of the leather.
  23. This machine is being transported across the state and into another to its new home.
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