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Everything posted by Rohn

  1. I would sure hate to see that nice rig ruined. Tell the customer to just use it and it will look old after lots of use.
  2. Thanks Haystacker. I do the lacing because I think it is easier than hand stitching with thread, and I also like the looks. Someday I hope to buy a sewing machine.
  3. Thank you, rejerome. I make and sell a lot of this style holster.
  4. It does look like a nice rig, but I'm not sure it looks a "hundert" years old though. I do like it and think you did a good job on it.
  5. Looks beautiful form here. Fine, fine job.
  6. Thanks for that picture. Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I looks great and hand stitching it was a job I'm sure.
  7. That is an interesting holster, I'd like to see more pictures of the back and see how the belt loops look. I have made some holsters for Taurus Raging Bull .44 mag but they did not have scope on them. This one looks good form here.
  8. looks good to me. Do you have a machine or is it all hand stitched?
  9. That is some beautiful work!! Great job Randahl.
  10. Great job on the purse. I am sure she will get a lot of complements on it.
  11. Lots of great work. As far as the mistakes I don't see any. It looks wonderful to me.
  12. I think you did very well for a first project. Keep up the good work.
  13. Those are all very beautiful. You do really nice carvings.
  14. Very nice work and for a first project, all I can say is EXCELLENT.
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