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Everything posted by Rohn

  1. Those are really cool! I like them.
  2. I don't believe that it will not work with these belt loops, unless you have a Wally World belt. That loop is wide enough for my 1 3/4 inch belt to fit. How much wider of a belt do you think you need? Any wider will not even fit through jeans belt loops. I don't carry that particular gun but I do carry with that same type of belt loop every day and have no problems.
  3. I probably don't charge enough but I get $45.00 out of my 1 3/4" basket weave belts. I apply the stain with a wool dauber. Sometimes I have actually dipped the belts but It is easier to use the dauber unless you have a better set up than I do.
  4. Benavu, Thanks for the reply. I put it low on the gun to give it a higher ride which I find is what most people want. It is easier to conceal that way. I don't think it will turn the gun backwards.
  5. Thanks for the nice comments. I do a lot of basket weave designs.
  6. Here is belt I just finished for a customer. Hermon Oak Leather and Weaver's Dark Brown dye.
  7. Thanks Chief for posting those pics. That answers my question. I really like that derringer holster a lot.
  8. Looks like you did a good job on those holsters. I'd like to see the back of that American Arms holster to see what kind of clip you used. Nice work there.
  9. Thanks for the reply and nice comment. I have made many of these holsters down through the years. I carried my gun every day in one for many years.
  10. Good story and I'm glad that your daughter didn't get bitten. That is going to make a very cool looking project. I'll be looking for the finished project.
  11. Looks good. Stitching is all done by hand, I assume, and is nice and even. I like it.
  12. Nice job. I like the tooling it is very well done.
  13. dbitting, I made my own pattern by using the gun for my model. Fold a sheet of paper in half and center the sights of the gun on the paper and carefully lay the gun on its side on the paper and draw around the gun. Then draw another line 3/4 inch out from that line and make your pattern from that. I cut a paper holster that fits the gun and when I am satisfied or sometimes after the holster is made I cut my final pattern out of chopping matts that are generally used in the kitchen for cutting vegetables on. (You can pick them up at the dollar store) Then I have a pattern that will last for ever. That is the way I do with all my holsters. Just make sure that the magazine release is not covered with leather so that there is no pressure on it to release the magazine accidentally. Good luck and happy tooling!
  14. I like the outside fine. Your stitching looks good and fine a fine job on the tooling. Inside is good too but that color is just too bright for me.
  15. Here is a holster that I designed and made. This one turned out very well and is attractive, I think. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking and remember, Leather working is fun and profitable.
  16. Here are a couple of holsters I completed. Herman Oak Leather and Kangaroo lace. Finished with Tan-kote. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Thanks for looking, Rohn
  17. Nice!!! Very well done. That carving looks really nice.
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