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Everything posted by Rohn

  1. Holsters look nice and the stitching is not bad either.
  2. Looks good, are they hand stitched or do you have a machine? I make quite a few holster too and lace most of mine.
  3. That is exactly what I tool my leather on. It works great and no give to it either.
  4. I have used Tandy stamps exclusively for many years and made hundteds of belts and holsters with the basket weave designs and have never had a tool bend from hitting it with a mallet. I wouldn't mind trying other tools but the prices keep me from going that way.
  5. I am also interested in 1911 molds. Anything yet since last post on November 18 2013?
  6. That looks good and it is an excellent idea to attach with Chicago screws.
  7. That is a very nice guitar strap. I love the design and the carvings you put in it. It is well balanced and the coloring is great!
  8. I like it. I might have to try to make one of those myself. Is it lined so that your rivets don't scratch the gun stock?
  9. Nice Bible covers indeed! Very nice work on both. I have made several Bible covers and would like to make a Bible cover with a zipper and rings to hold paper. I hope when I do it turns out as good as yours did.
  10. That is very nice. How is it attached to the seat?
  11. Looks like you did and excellent job on that one.
  12. Looks to me like you did an excellent job on that belt!
  13. Very interesting "tiagh". If you could re-size your photos to about 800x600 pixels it would be easier to see. I re-size mine using the paint program on my computer.
  14. That looks really nice. Very good job on the tooling.
  15. Rohn

    Restored Sulky

    Wow! That is a great restoration job. It looks beautiful.
  16. Thanks Chris, The straps around the barrel part of the holster are attached to the flap of the holster that fits over the belt. A person can unsnap the straps and slide the holster on or off the belt without unfastening the belt buckle. It is very handy. I have carried mine like that every day for years.
  17. Knife looks great. I just started muzzle loader hunting this year. I have a Thompson Center Hawlkin rifle with a Green Mountain barrel. It is a flint-lock. I didn't get a shot at a deer with it yet but maybe next year. (I guess this is off the subject of leather). Back to the leather, You must like the Tippman Boss pretty well? I was thinking about getting one. As it is now I make my holsters all with lace since my hand stitching with thread is somewhat to be desired. I have made a few knife sheaths by hand stitching, but I really need the Boss. One other thing - do you have a web site. I would like to see more of your work.
  18. Here are a couple of holsters that I made for a Buck Mark .22 cal. revolver. I still need to add the straps to the bottom one. Comments and critiques always welcome. My link
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