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Leather by LOU

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Everything posted by Leather by LOU

  1. Thanks Tom. I'll look into those too. Would be nice to save some loot.
  2. That's a great start! I think that sounds like a terrific idea! An informal setting would be really cool!
  3. @Morte100. Where did you find a harness plate for The Boss? I too own a tipman but have never seen that plate and didnt see it on their site. @Andrew Bag looks great btw!
  4. Looks good! Keep it up! You'll learn more every time. Play with as many of the craft tools as you can it will help bring your carving to life.
  5. Thanks! I have chatted with electrathon before about groups. He has a lot of knowledge regarding the area that is for sure.
  6. I know this thread is old but anyone still have interest in meeting up?
  7. If you know of any Portland Area leatherworkers please refer them to this post! Thanks!
  8. Trying to get a rough estimate of interest in the Portland/Vancouver area for a Leather Guild. Maybe we have enough people to do something! I tried to use the "Manage Topic Poll" but nothing shows up in preview. Here is a link to an external poll if my efforts didn't work. http://poll.pollcode.com/xqe31 Thanks! disregard botom link! hooray it worked!
  9. I would be interested in a guild and would also offer to help in its forming. As far as how or where I can't really help with that as I have never started a group before. I do however think that there are plenty of local artists that wouldn't have to be flown half way across the country making classes cost so much. I bet there are people right here in portland with just as much knowledge, maybe just not notoriety that would be willing to help/teach. And depending on the interest they could weigh wether it is worth it or not to do it again. I think that with any group or guild it would be a learning process that would either grow into a great thing or defunk with little risk or cost to any individual. I am going to contact other guilds in other parts of the country and see if they have any suggestions for starting a guild. I'll post responses here if I get any. I wonder if we couldn't speak with a school or a church or someplace that is under utilized in the evenings or has off days. Maybe this would allow for cheap space or possibility for service trade for space. (Say the church needs leatherwork) I am also going to start a new topic with a Poll to see how many prospective people would have interest in a Portland area Guild. Feel Free to share the link on other networking sites. Great thoughts Treed! I agree there has to be a contact person. I wouldn't mind helping but I couldn't do it alone.
  10. @Shtoink Do you use other social networking for sharing Leather Info? I found leatherworker.net on facebook but curious if there are others that people use to get a newsfeed of sorts about leather. I would like to find a better way to secure that lower edge on the bridge. While i know the bent position will hold it secure I do not want it unrolling in the future. Trouble was I could'nt put that section under the presser foot and not stretch out the bridge of the inside liner. But I am still going to try to find a way to sew it. Thanks for your input! @WScott Thank you! I have been reading lots over the last few days. You are correct! A definite wealth of info on here. @KevinKing I am going to leave myself a little more room on the outside layer so i can feel a little more confident on sewing the top side. I can always trim after. I too think it would make for a much cleaner look. Thanks for the encouragement! As far as that pocket goes I battled with it both ways. I wanted it to face the inside for security but I wanted it facing out for ease of access figuring it might be the driver or ID that goes there and when you have to use it they never want it inside a wallet still. I think I'll try both ways and see what I like best. And thank you for the tip on the Highlead bell knife skiver. That is a brand I hadn't heard of so I have more research to do. Any idea where they are sold out of? Or better yet is there a place to see and actually touch one? hahaha I know that's not likely. cheers to you all and thank you for your honest info.
  11. Thanks Guys. I truly appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I look forward to lots of good reading ahead. I have been amazed with content I've found already in this community. I'm learning 10 fold just from seeing quality leather work. I look forward to utilizing your critiques in my next project. I need to make a few pattern adjustments before I try again but I'm excited to make another one of these for sure. This was a commissioned gift for 3rd Wedding Anniversary (traditionally a leather gift) for some dear friends. The customer was very excited, as was I with her response.
  12. i'm not saying that the $300 wouldn't be money well spent. I honestly believe it most likely is! I just prefer to get my info the old fashioned way by sharing. I'm not really looking to pay anyone to teach me anything. I prefer a much more direct process and I have to believe that is out there. Someone will want their art to continue with or without them. I am one of those people. I could teach about photography but would much rather show you for free. Thanks for the info though electrathon. I just wish there was more of a DIY response rather than a marketing response. Great tips! I'll check into those places for a guild of sorts. Thanks!
  13. ok... i re read your message and I think I understand what you mean about the Bill liner not going all the way to the top of the wallet. I battled with that in my pattern design regarding construction. I left it low so I could stitch the top outside rolled portion. I felt that if I brought the bill liner all the way to the top I wouldn't be able to stitch from end to end from the inside. But what your saying about not needing to see the inside roll makes sense (its there). But how do I sew inbetween the 2 layers and still get all the way to the edge?
  14. hahaha sorry! i guess other forums I'm in are more active. Didn't mean to offend anyone. Thanks so much for your input. I placed and glued the satin liner all the way to the edge then rolled the leather over to the interior. I used 6 oz veg tanned for the exterior layer because I wanted to tool deep. My manual skiving seems to be very trying. matter of fact I hate it! hahaha which is why i'm looking for a motorized skiver like a cobra or fortuna. I also have trouble buggering up the thread at my starts and stops. I definitely need to work on my corners... (noted) When you said to use 1-1.5 oz for the lining were you referring to where i used the pig skin for the pockets or where I used the satin for the bill lining? The Green leather I used is about that maybe 2 oz... The pig skin is really thin and easy to work with and sew. Thanks again 50Years! I am a product of the technology age and leather is a tough nut to crack for online resources. I am used to pretty instant feedback and maybe just need to relax a little. But you know how it goes, when your thinking about something it doesn't stop till you find what your looking for
  15. Is there a leather Guild in the Portland Area? Or club or meet up group? I would like to meet with people and talk leather and equipment! Trade original patterns and services if possible. Trying to network with Portland Leatherworkers! I've heard about classes in the area but don't really want to cough up $300 bones to share ideas. I'd rather learn from someone who wants to share instead of bill me for a lesson. Any suggestions?
  16. either this forum is pretty dead for input and resource or I posted incorrectly... my apologies if I did. Please let me know if there is a better place to get answers..
  17. They make a blockout that will help retain the natural color of the leather. trouble is that gum of taraganth will darken it a little. I've heard of people slicking with just water but havent tried it myself. My thought would be to try to slick with water on a test piece and then use the resist to preserve the natural color. Good Luck! http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/product/eco-flo-block-out-resist-finish-4-oz-2613-01.aspx sorry then you use the antique or hi lite and it sticks to the tooling but does not stick to the "resist" or "blackout"
  18. Seeking a skiver with at least a 2' throat (50mm) I already own a clutch motor but would possibly be interested in a table and motor combo. But would also be interested in just a head unit. Please contact or refer me to anyone in the Pacific Northwest. Im in Portland OR. Thanks!
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