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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. I understand Pete's position and am guilty of over asking as charged. However, I like to get things really straight in my head before I proceed. This leads to less mistakes and better first run projects. There is the other side of the coin though, that some things should be common sense and you really have to try it first to see the results. After the fact questions are really the best ones. For these allow you to understand what you did and how you did it. so when the advice comes you have a better understanding on how to correct it. The best analogy I have is software. All to often people get new software, load it and begin to ask questions. The better approach is to fumble around, use it, get frustrated and then after a few weeks, ask questions. Nothing more aggravating than being asked how do i do this? And when you explain it the next questions is, I don't know were that menu is. Helping is a wonderful thing, but so is innitiative.
  2. No problem. i just wanted to add a volume way of doing it as well. It's easier for me, I don't have a scale and buy oil by the quart and wax by the pound.
  3. Look up a few posts. That's Dwight's recipe. 50:50 by weight. I tried it and found 1 Pound of beeswax to 3/4 of a quart Neatsfoot oil is about the right mixture. Stays soft enough after heating to allow me to work it ino the leather. If you use to little oil it hardens as soon as you apply it and is very difficult to work. Jon
  4. Great idea, I like it. Nice job as well.
  5. Tool On Buddy and please post you work. Jon
  6. I would stay away from ANYTHING some Mc Donald's, poured coffee in my lap, attorney could get ahold up. Just me.
  7. If your punch is sharp. One to tow blows with a 24oz should do it. I just can't see hanging onto 3 pounds of maul. But, you may like it. It may be a good idea to try the 16oz on strap ends first. Judge then what the next size should be. But, everybody has a preference. In nay event you will like using a maul
  8. I use a 16 oz for tooling and have a 14 oz on order. I use a 24 oz for punching. What do you plan on punching with a 48 oz maul. I cna do 1 1/2" strap ends with one or two hits.
  9. What a cool idea. That really turned out nice. Great job.
  10. Wait a few weeks or so then make another visit. This time bring a similar holster and gun along. Show it to them, telling them that it is being delivered to a customer, but you just wanted to show it off. Works every time.
  11. Good detective work. Wyosheen from Sherdian Leather Outfitters and Clearlac from Springfield Leather. I use the Wysheen and it's the real McCoy.
  12. The finish has to be advised. No Neat Lac, Clear Lac or Wyosheen. Stick with acrylics and you will be good. Anything else is a big smudge..................AAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  13. Thanks Syl, My God bless him and hos family. Never want to see someone this young go to visit Jesus.. JON
  14. Very nice. Just finished a project with them. Virant and consistent. However, beware of the finish..........................................
  15. Sure make me crazy............Horse to go. I'm in. Thank you for all of the info.When it comes around next year, I am not opposed to exchanging cell pnone numbers either. How else do we meet!!!! Thanks, Jon
  16. Thanks guys. That gives me a great visual of the show. I understand now that the show is really seperate from the classes. So I will plan a week to include time before and then have the weekend for the show and fly home on Sunday. Can't wait. I never thougtht about the other areas of historical interest. I will have to visit Little Big Horn. Thanks, Jon
  17. Can somebody give me an estimated allocation of time for this show. Meaning, what would be the best way to divide my time between the show and classes. I would fly in from Wisconsin and love to spend one day with bob park and another with Chan. Would this leave enough time to really meet the vendors and folks. Would like to make the most of my time. Thanks Jon
  18. very nice. I like the Indian princess the best.
  19. DONT!!!!!!!!!!! Use painters tape. It will leave a mark on the leather. It will also leave glue behind. Go to Tandy and buy the $10 finishing book.meI not only explains all of the dyes, antiques and finishes, but how to acheive certain effects. Block dying is covered in this book. Now apologize and try some on your own. Let us know how it works. Jon
  20. Nice job. The stitchinbg is very nice. That is one different dye job. How did you do that? great hobby!
  21. Those are really classy. Great work. The top one is very nice, verrrry nice. Jon
  22. Bob, Thanks for the time taking all those pictures. i must put this on the calander fro 2013. Jon
  23. Thanks, I need to do some experimenting. I like this RTC, will have to get some. Jon
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