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    Leatherwork Blacksmithing Woodworking Making Knifes and tools

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    Leather Machine Co.

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  1. Thank you for letting me know that.
  2. To Highpower's point, I could run my clutch motor fairly well after a few years it was the constant humming of the motor it's not fun. Now with the new setup, the machine will punch through 8 layers or more of denim at the slowest speed the clutch motor could not do that at a slow speed I don't use my Juki LU-563 for leather for leather I use the Cobra Class 4. I will freely admit my addiction to these machines. For someone who's not in the business of sewing, I own a lot of machines LOL.
  3. I just got a box-type speed reducer from Cowboy Bob, they say it's heavy-duty and yes it is. Also, I got a 3/4 horse brushless servo motor with 0 to 5000 rpm and EPS control. It all mounted under the table right nicely It will stitch so slowly or one stitch at a time if you want. then without changing any settings, I can sew too fast. That setup is a game-changer for me. no big deal to setup.
  4. The thread Exchange has a lot of 415 in lots of colors
  5. like two other guys said you need to tighten the top tension. try that first.
  6. the one on top is without finish
  7. Two I made no conundrum well not really
  8. That stitching is done while the holster is flat before you mold it, and the stitching on the one in the picture is not done very well anyway; it's stitched flat and then molded.
  9. It looks like Hermes has got nothing on you.
  10. looks great. I would like to see a straight on view
  11. look for bookbinding leather, shrunken book leather leather gives that effect but it is very thin, it's meant to be glued to a sub straight. Any of the leather companies that advertise on this forum have or can tell you where to get some shrunken leather that's heavier and looks just like what you're showing.
  12. when you put a stick in the paint pull it out when you have no droplets when it runs off the stick it is good. plus the right thinner.
  13. I have a glass slicker from1891 looks a lot like that one
  14. Nice job on that Chuck per usual you do make so great stuff.
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