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    Québec, Montréal

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  1. Hi Jimi! I was wondering if it could be possible to send me a copy of the manual as well. Thank you very much!
  2. Hello Uwe! Do you have any news to share of your affair with a puritan? Your thread describe pretty much exactly my journey with my stitcher (a low post XL)! Have you figure out a way to make it work?
  3. Hey! I've been looking for a pattern of the USPS mail bag for a while too. Please let me know when you finish it; I would gladly pay a good price for it!
  4. Might not be cushy like you wanted it to be, but that is one nice looking chair! Thank you for posting the results!
  5. Hi everybody! I'm currently looking for a sewing machine (medium weight), specifically for a big'ol patcher, and came across some chinese 29K clones (that looks post apocalyptic) on ebay, at a pretty low price. This is the machine: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Leather-Sewing-Machine-Shoe-Patcher-Singer-29K-Adler-Repair-Cobbler-Antique-/200876595581?pt=BI_Sewing_Machines&hash=item2ec52d997d&_uhb=1#shId Anybody has experience with it?
  6. I feel like we have something in common.
  7. Nice! I'll make sure to do the same when I get my knife! thank you!
  8. Try dumping lots of cornstarch on it. It apparently "sucks up" a lot of the excess oil.
  9. As usual Hunio, your work is precise and beautiful. I really admire your designs!
  10. Beautiful work! Thank you very much for your video! I have a few questions if you dont mind. I'm assuming the stitching punch you use is a Joseph Dixon. What is the punch size, and what awl (and awl size) do you use to enlarge the holes? Also, what size thread do you use? I'm looking to refine my stitching, and I understood that one of the best way to go would use a stitching punch like the one you use (Joseph Dixon, Vergez-Blanchard, etc.) but i'm reticent to buy an expensive punch if I dont know what kind of awl and thread would match it. Thank you very much!
  11. Hey! Newbie here, from Montreal! Welcome to the forum!
  12. Thank you very much for your videos! They really are helpful to people considering buying a sewing machine!
  13. Thank you very much Ramrod!
  14. Hi Butch! I you could add me to the list it would be great! Thank you very much! You're making people happy all over the world! thx_1139@hotmail.com
  15. I'm located in Montreal, and i would like to know this as well. I tempted by Barbour linen thread, but i'm hesitant on buying as i don't know the difference in between the different sizes and types, and never felt the difference "in hand".
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