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  1. If still for sale please text 575-693-6699
  2. 25.00 shipped and i will take them kirby
  3. kirbyg

    7/8" Round Spots

    dont know if i would ever use them but would give 50 plus shipping for the 1000 of them. text me at 575 693 6699 since i am only here once or twice a year thank you kirby
  4. contact me at 575 693 6699 if you still have these and still want to get rid of them thank you kirby
  5. is this still available?
  6. i have a Ferdco 6/6 stitcher for sale with attachments $1400 i am located in Hermiston Oregon. shipping will be buyers responsibility. call or text for pics. 575.693.6699 cash only o.b.o. i have more machines than i need
  7. kirbyg


    where are you located. i have all the equipment you need to build boots in hermiston oregon. contact me at 575 693 6699 will send pics and prices kirby
  8. kirbyg

    Rjf Leather

    how are their prices and shipping costs?
  9. i would like to pick up some chan geer videos or others that are not crazy expensive like jeremiah watts' are best way to contact me is by phone 5757.693,6699 or email at kirbywornelll@ yahoo.com mostly looking for sheridan carving and holster dvd but will consider any that improve me
  10. can i have 3rd dibbs on them i will pay the shipping to nm
  11. does anyone have a dummy gun, (aluminum or blue) for a ruger blackhawk .357 6-1/2" barrel? please call me at 1.five seven 5 693 six six nine nine. i don't check onhere often so phone is the way to go thanks
  12. do you have any of these left? i may want to buy them all if you do. thank you. kirbywornell@yahoo.com
  13. dang, what a picture coulda done for this ad.
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