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Half Goat

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Everything posted by Half Goat

  1. haha just found this post, such a laugh reading the comments! Not too far away up in Scotland, however I am not single Just wanted to comment to say good on you for trying and not taking any carp from the lads
  2. damn wish I'd seen this sooner, would love a course with yourself!
  3. I'm also looking for aurbrushing sets in the UK but no idea what i'm looking for really
  4. ah would love it but a bit far for me I'm afraid! If there are ever any nearer the border or up in Scotland I'd be up for it. As you say, can't please everyone. Good luck
  5. Thanks that's really helpful! I'll be buying an arbor press soon and this is a must-do for me
  6. Did your press come with the chuck, or did you modify this yourself?
  7. I'd like to ressurrect this, anyone know how to fit a chuck to an arbor press?
  8. Hi folks, I want to know what tools you can't live without, or tools you think you need? Where to get the best deals, or useful tips? The reason I ask is because I have been doing this for years, and have a fair set of tools which I make-do with. However my local council has just given me a substantial grant to invest in tools to expand my business, so I'm replacing all of my tools with better quality ones and buying those I have wanted for some time now. I would love some recommendations I'm not a beginner who needs the basics, I'm looking for more advanced tools to step-up my game. All opinions, recommendations, and advice is welcome Hamish
  9. welcome aboard, I drive over to newcastle to pickup my materials from LePrevo, may see you in there someday!
  10. nice work! where abouts in scotland are you? I'm fae Aberdeen but living down on the borders the now
  11. Thanks for this thread, what a big help! I found I had more selection when I lived briefly in England, but now I'm back in scotland my options are limited. I primarily use LePrevo as I'm only 2 hour drive away so it's nice to buy in person and have a chat, and will order the occaisional thing elsewhere when they don't have it. Would love a decent supplier in Scotland! Will be keeping an eye on this thread
  12. I'm in Scotland just on the border and the closest I have is LePrevo in Newcastle, or the Identity Store in Matlock, Derbyshire
  13. here is the pattern i may try http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOES/SHOE46.HTM
  14. i am also interested in this style of boot, i have seen similar styles of the mongolian boots. just a bump to see if anyone else has any info on this
  15. i had the same problem with supersheen lifting my ecoflo antique gel so switched to resolene watered down 50/50 and getting the same problem, which i found out whilst using it on a project infront of the customer unfortunatly
  16. Hey Mike
  17. those are beautiful nice work! I have recently started making myself shoes and have realised just hwo hard it is to get the pattern right
  18. thanks have just ordered loads of gorilla super glue to use appreciate the help
  19. Hey need some advice folks. I have been asked to make a large leather picture frame which will be mounted onto a perspex cover Can anyone recommend a good adhesive that will bond leather and perspex successfully? any advice would be great thanks Hamish
  20. how much work do these need to make them decent? would a good strop do the job?
  21. wow very impressive!
  22. great patterns thanks really looking forward to medieval pouches
  23. i don't think so. stamp maybe, but not tool. give leprevo a phone they are great help i use them exclusivly for advice aswell as their leather
  24. this keeps happening to me, i have tried various methods and different leathers but it is still happening. I have tried when the leather has just dried, and i have waited an extra hour before tooling with the same effect nightmare! I am using a b60 beveller and when i tool the lines it all looks fine, but an hour later it cracks or peels. I guess i need to just wait longer to begin tooling?
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