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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Ed, thanks. The shape just screamed out at me. Do something different...so i did
  2. Well dang! I stumbled onto something useful for a change! Sweet!
  3. Benlilly, I haven't used it yet. I wanted to use it to mold the case I made for it, but I needed it for wet molding! I can totally see how it will be nice for that though.
  4. Thanks everyone! Bluesman, you're right. I wet formed after tooling and dye, so I was just careful about the eagle and sort of molded around him.
  5. That is a solid, well made piece!
  6. Thanks dude! I totally do, and I have to admit I'm pretty stoked about this one. It was like the old Recee's peanut butter cup commercials... You got chocolate in my peanut butter! You got peanut butter on my chocolate! Hey, wait a minute...
  7. As a first responder, I see this regularly, and after 19 years, it NEVER gets easy. I try and be supportive and explain that it's just stuff, but it so much more than that. It's people's entire lives. Your husband is an amazing man. Trips for the animals and tools... Awesome. I wish you the best and I hope you can get your life back to normal soon. Mike
  8. So, last week I carved an eagle head which started out as an exercise in finger cuts. I liked it so much I couldn't resist tooling it a little bit. Then, I decided I could do it better. That turned into another eagle that looked even better IMO. Yesterday, I got my new glass slicker from Barry King and I decided to make a pouch for it using my new eagle. I also used a new tools, my 8 SPI over stitch wheel to mark the stitches, my new Douglass tools awl and my old stitching horse. It's truly amazing how having the right tools for the job makes everything more enjoyable. I realize that the slicker probably doesn't need a pouch, but if this were about NEED, many of us wouldn't be here
  9. Thanks everyone!
  10. BADASS!!! That is all...
  11. Mine was already an upgrade so same price! woo hoo!
  12. I caved. Rosa was laughing in the background....
  13. Allen, I changed my order and picked the bottom right piece! Thanks dude!
  14. Cyber, I chose a two tone with some red accents. I love the idea of it, but the burly wood stuff is so classic looking. I talked to paul last night and he hasn't started it yet so I have time if I want to change it.
  15. Something new for me. I wish I'd put this on a decent piece of leather so I could make something out of it.
  16. Mine is on order, and now I'm doubting my choice of wood! AAAAArrgggggghhhh!
  17. Sam, you are the man. And I'm a fast learner
  18. Looks awesome, but what's the pendant image?
  19. All of these are true to a certain degree. I have a few observations. Good tools are an absolute must. I've been at this for six months, and the difference between a good tool and an entry level is astounding. This is true whether its a stitch groover or a beveling stamp. Buy the best tools you can afford. This has always served me well. If you decide leather isn't for you, you'll always get more money back from high quality tools. Good tools inspire me to do better work as they eliminate excuses. Second, is don't let anyone tell you can't do that yet. Or that you don't have the skill to tackle a particular project. You will find your own limits, and they might be much higher than someone else's. Work at your own pace and learn all you can from your mistakes.
  20. If it were me, I'd want all my pricks to line up in the same direction. Otherwise your stitches might look odd.
  21. That's got it covered. 4X has worked for me as well but I always added extra so that I have room to work. I hate feeling cramped. Thickness of the piece and stitches per inch will affect this but 6 to 7 this should work ok.
  22. I use it almost exclusively. For dyed items, dab it straight down and lift straight up. Then let it dry completely. Less lift if any with that technique.
  23. So glad I'm not the only one!
  24. Welcome to the site! Your sheath work looks really good. Do you have any pics with the knives in them?
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