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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Bunny, a more consistent way to reduce the glare on your pics is to use a light box while shooting. This way, you wont have to frost your metal attachments prior to pics, nor will you have a problem with thawing
  2. Paul, if you haven't had your answer's yet, or if you're in the Chicago burbs and dont want to deal with the city, let me know. Mike
  3. looking good! Nice clean designs, good execution. Now tidy up the details!
  4. If you have a design in mind, grey ghost graphics can make you a stamp of anything you want. Ask for Jeff. http://www.greyghostgraphics.com
  5. if you are talking about a keeper loop, I dont see how you could machine stitch it. But then, I have zero experience with machine sewing.
  6. For reference and drooling: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=41977
  7. First of all, welcome to the forum! You will very likely find the answers you need here. I like the second choice for your armor and it looks like the construction is fairly straight forward. I think the most difficult part of this is going to be the pattern making. I would suggest that you start with some heavy paper of the kind of cardboard you find on the back of notepads. You can get large sheets of this at art stores and it will allow you to build a prototype you can wear to test movement and fitting. I have not built any armor, but I have studied the Samurai and their weapons and armor, and as such, movement is very important due to the variety of weapons they used. If you google armor construction, there are quite a few videos on the construction of armor and you might find some help there. Forming the shoulders and breast cups will require a body form as you mentioned and there are plenty of threads in the forum covering wet molding leather, some are even armor related. That being said, there is a section in the forum for armor. It can be found here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showforum=26 Decoration is up to your imagination and desired use. Since you mentioned archery, you might look at some historical archery websites for ideas if you haven't already. Again, welcome to the forum and please keep us up to date on your progress! There are many members here who are interested in your type of project. Mike
  8. Thats cool. It looks like its made of grass. Or bark. Its very organic.
  9. I wish I could see his face when he gets them!
  10. Chris, here's the leaf I wanted to show you earlier... Chris, here's the leaf I wanted to show you earlier...
  11. I have the setter and I have found that an easier way to do this is a) bend the prongs so they are parallel to each other. press the prongs on the leather where you want them. c) cut small slits with an exacto knife blade. d) insert spots by hand and follow with setter. e) bend prongs over and set with a hammer and punch. This sounds more time consuming, but when you account for the spots you don't have to remove, the unsightly dings in your leather and the added precision, its a better method for me.
  12. Its cool. Slave labor is cheap over seas, but perhaps you could have an indentured servant until the girl works off her belt?
  13. Just send Johanna a PM and ask her about it.
  14. immiketoo


    Patty, welcome to LW.net! I just missed you in chat last night, but as you can see we are ready and willing to help! Cant wait to see more of your stuff! Mike
  15. I dont know od any way to fill the holes. Maybe you could put a flat thin cover over that area? Like a veneer?
  16. So come on back Skeeter. Tina, no more excuses! Come say hi!
  17. Dude, don't feel chastised. There are subtleties to this are that I don't even know about, and it takes years to understand some of them. And, frankly, just because your buddy, who is an amazing knife maker, showed you one way, you think its the way its done. I'd respect a guy like that's opinion too! Like I said earlier, there a zillion ways to do things, some better and some worse. We are here as a resource and you certainly dont have to do it the way I would. As for buying more tools, THAT is my specialty. Nothing subtle about it Happy stitching!
  18. First of all, welcome to the forum officially! As for your piece, the construction looks good, as does your attention to detail. I like the clasp at the front, although two of them would be cool IMO. Great use for a purse clasp! I recently say a pouch like that that was designed to hand off of a belt, and I really like the idea. I have thought of making those as well, although out of veg tanned leather. Post pics up if you re-do it. Nice work!
  19. The only experience I have with corsets is looking at people who wear them and at the Ren Faire where the woman at the booth promised even I could have cleavage after she was done with me if I wanted to try one on. She was right, and I'll never live it down! However, considering how tight the can be, I would strongly suggest that you rivet and then line the item after construction, OR make sure your rivet heads are on the inside and polished smooth before installation. Otherwise, you piece above looks good!
  20. Wow Jake, I had NO idea the machines could be so tricky. That's a sizable difference between stitches! I can't wait til I get one, then I will be able to feel the pain! Let us know how you get it sorted.
  21. Hey Bryan, I have to second what Mike says here, and he is a master saddle stitcher. His work is a testament to the fact. However, there are lots of people who drill their stitch holes and I have yet to hear of any of their products breaking or coming apart. I know that the traditional method is stronger and I KNOW that the cosmetic results are far better based on my personal experience. Those are reasons enough for me to use the diamond awl and two needle method, and truthfully, there IS a reason that its been done that way for hundreds of years.
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