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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Gafer, I don't know much about dog harness, but do you want those straps dangling about like that? Can you add a keeper for them? Otherwise, looks great!
  2. Cheryl, that's a great test of concept and practice piece. From a design standpoint, you have nailed it, and in the future, you can refine the design.
  3. Oreste, after a bit of a search to find your pics, (Thanks Crystal) your work is amazing. I especially like the round bag. Beautiful! Why the name change and where are you from? Mike
  4. Welcome Jim. Nice websites you have.
  5. It's the weekend, and I have a plan! Thanks Chancey!

    1. TwinOaks


      "The best laid plans of mikes and men, oft are gone awry."

    2. immiketoo
  6. Tanner's bond is water based polymer and Barge is toluene based. I can't imagine the combination of those two would work very well.
  7. Dwight, thats exactly what I meant by punch holes and lace, but I lacked the picture. Thanks for clarifying.
  8. That sir is the result of dip dyeing and finish. The whole thing is dipped in acrylic finish and left to dry.
  9. you could try bone toggles and lacing, or a few slits in the strap, or you could punch a number of holes and slide a leather loop through the holes similar to the hammer retention loops on cowboy holsters.
  10. Trust me when I tell you, nobody will be angry with you. Come on in! Also, I just realized that leder=leather. Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut!
  11. Hey, I know which side my bread is buttered on. Hey....bread. Butter. Think I need a sandwich.
  12. Since chat is near and dear to my heart, and because we see a lot of people that come in and just leave, I thought (read Sylvia told me to) a tutorial on some of chat's features, etiquette and overall use of the feature. Chat can be fast, humorous, off color and even educational. Don't EVER feel like you can't interrupt the flow of conversation to ask a legitimate leather question. We will ALWAYS be happy to help if you are looking for a quick answer on a project etc. Otherwise, stay a while, introduce yourself and get to know some of the amazing folks we have here at LW.net. Chat is a bit looser than regular forum posts and while you are welcome to post your opinion, there are limits, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Also, if a topic comes up that you are heavily invested in, overly emotional about or just rankles you in some way, remember that things can get ugly quickly and you may irrevocably damage your friendships or your reputation here at LW. Think, play and have fun!
  13. Natalie, please see this link on sharpening ceramic blades by Shtoink. As for the carving, sometimes small areas can be beveled without cutting. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=43296
  14. Please join me in wishing Jax a happy birthday!

    1. capsterdog


      Happy birthday Jax

    2. groovytech
    3. shtoink


      Who's Jax?

      Just kidding...

      Happy Birthday, even if it's late.

    4. Show next comments  186 more
  15. Id be concerned of getting my butt kicked every time I took the thing out from people slapping it or hitting it with sticks! Great spider! I think black would be perfect. You wouldn't lose any detail with black really.
  16. Chancey's latest work, posted here by me due to technical problems on his end (read coffee on keyboard). Nice work Chris!
  17. This is relevant to my interests I tried signing up, but I cant get in.
  18. Dear God in heaven, thats beautiful! I want to make one...
  19. That is one nice piece of work there!
  20. You have posted a prolific amount of stuff the last few days. I just wanted to let you know that there are separate forum sections for each type of item, i.e. bags, holsters, belts, etc. You might find you'll get more feedback if you put them in the appropriate section. Keep up the good work and welcome to the forum. Mike
  21. Welcome. How are you faring lately?
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