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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Dude, you are a freakin stud. Perfect choice for music.
  2. Adam, you have the coolest toys! Is the blade sharp?
  3. dont think of it as copying, thin of it as um...inspiration. Find some design elements form several projects, combine them and make it your own. There are only so many ways to make a wallet.
  4. some is inevitable, short of finding the perfect amount every time, but if you use too much it can be a real mess. Also, you might not be waiting long enough for the glue to dry before assembly. Fortunately, glue oozes are easy to deal with once the glue is dry.
  5. Les, you CAN use the awl to punch the holes. Nigel's method is one way of doing it.
  6. Nigel, a lot of us are curious about the knot you put in your stitch. Maybe that could be next?
  7. Time for a new project

    1. EquusCustomLeathers


      What's it going to be this time??

    2. immiketoo


      looks like its going to be a belt :)

  8. Or watch these! http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44874
  9. Through the wonders of the internet and what I call internetworking, we have a series of videos made by LW member Nigel Armitage for another member. There have been a LOT of questions about the basics of hand stitching and I thought the entire site could benefit from Nigel's expertise. Take a look at his work and his other videos to see why I am impressed with his work. Thanks Nigel for taking the time to create these videos and I am looking forward to the next installment! http://youtu.be/zeQt-nvLWyo http://youtu.be/xS1j_Uifmhw
  10. Tom, its possible, but its more likely that ANY dye or finish would have brought out the texture of the hide. The only way to tell if your leather has texture is to wet it with isopropyl alcohol or water first. That will show you if there's likely to be any issues once you oil or dye it. Sometimes that texture looks good and people like it. Others, it takes away from the piece.
  11. That looks great! I like how the hat follows the same lines as your face.
  12. Looks good. What kind of retention does the sheath have? Have you considered how it will hold the knives after several months of use?
  13. immiketoo

    Newest Coaster

    Nice coaster! I like the wood grain. How are you going to seal it?
  14. Gazoo, there are two options here as we have all gone through this. Practice a lot or use a guide like a french curve or some other template. Its a pain for sure. Good luck!
  15. Bob, i could see that from a chefs knifework perspective with all the chopping and banging. But the smooth glide shouldn't mess it up as fast especially if you only glide the tip of the knife. Even if you rolled the knife forward, you'd still only drag about an inch or so, right?
  16. Dude, you gotta post pics so we can see what you're dealing with.
  17. Denster, I've been looking at those. What size do you use for 11-12 leather?
  18. Country covered that pretty well, especially the chat! So, another suggestion is to find a local leather guild and attend one of their meetings. You will meet leather people and get to see what people have and learn from their experiences.
  19. Jeff, I'm convinced that its the rawhide content in the side. They are all different and sometimes they just don't get tanned properly. I have seen this a lot in cheaper leathers, not so much in HO. You'll just have to deal with it unfortunately.
  20. immiketoo

    My Work Belt.

    That's one good looking belt! I have yet to try lacing, and it appears I'll need some more tools. Is that a Damascus fid I see?
  21. Diesel, many people choose not to line their bible covers, but many others want a nice finished look. IMO you have several options and I am assuming you are using veg tanned leather on the outside. A nice cloth could be glued to the inside of the cover but you then have a different edging process to contend with. You could also use a very light weight (1-2 oz) cow, calfskin or pigskin liner. These will flex nicely and while there may be some wrinkles right at the fold, the book will cover it anyway. Personally, I'd use calf skin. I really love the feel of it. Good luck, post pics, and welcome to the forum! Mike
  22. Ben, I have had the same experience with other forums (especially car forums) and we at LW actively work to make this site an environment the fosters learning and a good time. I'm glad you have noticed our efforts! Mike
  23. use a french curve as a cutting template. If you buy a set, you're almost guaranteed to find an arc that matches. If not, it will be so close it won't really matter.
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