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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. There are some things that just require more work than they are worth. Vertical blinds are one of those things. Unless you have a bunch of spare time on your hands, I vote for buying new ones!
  2. I have the Tandy tool, and it works well, but I do not use the anvil supplied. I also found that you need to make surethe prongs are straight/parallel or they make a ripple in the leather. The tool works well and until I find a source for screw back spots and studs, I'll keep using it.
  3. I haven't turned on my TV in days. Long walks are good for the soul. Hopefully, you have made it back by now
  4. Those are very hippie-barbarian chic! nice job...
  5. Thanks Bob. I used straight yellow oil dye for the base coat and then I played around with yellow and red to make an orange that I dry brushed over the yellow.
  6. My first attempt at oak leaves and jewelry. It was kind of fun.
  7. That is top notch. Awesome!
  8. Hey Ferg, I wasn't upset with you at all! I like a little "get to the point." I was just asking for something a bit more specific since "You screwed up" leaves a lot to consider. Did I screw up starting to work with leather? Getting out of bed? You get the idea I had an idea for the design and found I didn't have the tool, so I decided to try basket weave. Clearly it didn't fit and I lost a lot of detail when I wet formed it. I was trying out a new tool and I had already made a few lines before I realized it was more difficult than I had anticipated. How do you lay out your designs? Someone else suggested clay but I'm sure there are others. I am not sensitive, so don't worry. Mike I see what you mean about the border. What do you do when the tool doesn't fit very well in the space left? I went around in one direction. Is there a better way? Over lap? I don't know.
  9. Thanks for the input Ferg, but could you be a little more specific? What's screwed up? You are right about the drill for the holes. It's all I had, so if that's what you meant about being in a hurry, you're right.
  10. Thanks Bill. I am a huge Keb Mo fan! I play his stuff on my resonator all the time!
  11. Thanks Bill, There is a steep learning curve, but each cut or stamp helps me learn, and I have already spent hours on the site soaking up information! Here is today's project. I was trying for an old and worn look, but I'm less than happy with the overall result. Mostly because of the tooling.
  12. Hello all! Just caught the leather bug. I can't believe how addictive this craft is. It's only been a week and I have spent most of my free time and money working on a few projects. Here they are. Feel free to comment or critique. Mike
  13. A collection of my figure carvings and other bits and bobs.
  14. immiketoo

    Immiketoo's figured out stuff

    A collection of my figure carving and other things.
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