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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. And at how many people got started for the same reasons! Welcome!
  2. Hey RC, welcome to the forum! You are right where I was not too long ago, and I have spent a small fortune on tools to feed my addiction. A few pieces of advice. Learn about tools and their use before buying if you can, check ebay, pawn shops and craigs list for tools once you know what you want. Those are great ways to save a lot of money. Lastly, ask a ton of questions, post pics and be open to advice. You'll be amazed at how fast youll learn.
  3. Hey Chavez, It totally depends on what you want. I made my first one out of 8-9 veg tan Herman Oak because I wanted to tool it and I think came out well. It is stiff though. If you want a soft bag, chrome is the way to go. Want a little of both? Combine thick and thing leather. Chrome tan to me creates a sack like bag without much in the way of form, unless you use stiffeners or have a lot of stitching throughout the purse to firm it up. Just my thoughts.
  4. C, you can't quit and you know it. Quitting does nothing but allow other people to have some modicum of control over you. You have worked WAY too hard, endured far too many meetings, and have seen too much actual interest in your work to give up because a couple of people couldn't find it in their hearts to be nice when they thought you weren't looking. Besides, you have a shiny new camera that I expect will be the tool that documents your triumphant success! Now, lets get over this hurdle and back to leather work!
  5. Cozee, Welcome! Where in Illinois are you? I live in the chicago burbs myself. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. I started with the same kit, and there's nothing wrong with it, but yo may decide it's not up to your standards if you are already a craftsman. Good luck! Mike
  6. Yeah ya can't sant that. Once your edge is smooth, then use your edger to remove the grain flap thats left.
  7. I doubt you'd have any issues with fouled air on a bike. The air that hits you in the face is even less with a full face helmet and I never had any oxygen issues. Id be concerned more about it being smashed onto your face at highway speeds since theres nothing supporting it. Looks badass though, especially if you want to commit a stylish convenient store robbery
  8. Thats a nice piece of work there sir
  9. Nigel, this might suit your needs nicely. http://www.shop.leatherwranglers.com/product.sc?productId=25&categoryId=7
  10. Welcome Snubby, Many people find leatherwork therapeutic. I find it relieves stress and there many on here with disabilities of some sort. The beauty of leather is that it is patient. There's nothing about the process that requires speed. In fact, some of use have had to learn to slow down to accommodate the speed that leather likes. I am the worst offender! I love the term "Indian it up" ! Its very descriptive!
  11. Sure Curtis... Not a great pic but you get the idea
  12. Nicely done. Some soot and dry cracking and you'll be perfectly seasoned!
  13. immiketoo

    Newest Mask

    Looks awesome. Almost like its hammered out of copper. Totally cool.
  14. Try ordering from Grey Ghost Graphics. The can help you decide on size and you'll be able to hold it.
  15. Waiting on the doc. I feel like I'm awaiting sentencing.

    1. Jax


      awww Mike get well soon, loadsa hugs x

    2. LNLeather


      Hope you are feelin' Better Now... I love your latest Avatar. It is Pretty Cute and Really made me Laugh - I'm still chuckling now...

    3. SooperJake


      I'd photoshop in a holster slipped off around his "ankles"...:)

    4. Show next comments  195 more
  16. I've been on leatherworker.net for a few short months and it already feels like home to me. So many of you have shared your knowledge and experience with me, and I have made what I consider to be friends all over the world. That being said, something recently happened in chat that I think bears mentioning. Several people whom I respect greatly were chatting about someone else whom I also respect greatly, and it was in what was an allegedly disparaging fashion. This concerns me on many levels. Firstly, chat is a PUBLIC chat room, and anything you say can be seen by anyone who happens to pop in. In this incident, the person being spoken about DID pop in. And what they saw hurt their feelings significantly. Why am I bringing this up? Because I am so disappointed by the fact that it happened here and that it involved people I believe in. This incident is contrary to everything our leatherworker.net community is about. Our subtitle is Education, Entertainment & Fellowship. This incident was certainly not education, and to me, fellowship means far more than bashing someone behind their back. That leaves entertainment, which I suppose it could be to the small minded or the petty, but let me say this. You are better than that. We ALL are, and I would ask all of you to please bear in mind that leather work crosses all socioeconomic boundaries. It does not care where you are from, what color you are or whether or not you are popular, introverted or middle of the road. The passion strikes us each in our own way, regardless of our skill level or our position in life. This site should be a safe haven for anyone who chooses to join our group, and I have never heard a discouraging word spoken to me the entire time I have been here. I am the first to admit that I may have said things that were offensive to someone in the room, and perhaps even offended some of those that I respect dearly. However, they were there, present in the conversation, and had the ability to correct me or choose not to. Chat can get crazy and since it is real time, comments fly more loosely. There is a sense of less permanency since your comments will scroll right out of the chat box in a little while. Lets keep chat fun, educational and entertaining by being considerate of our opinions and those who might be viewing them. If you truly have an issue with someone, remember what our mother's taught us as kids about something nice to say. Or have the courage to confront them directly. Or, take your conversation into a private room. There is the option of doing that in our chat window. Those are my thoughts. I'm not mentioning any names, nor am I accusing anyone. I am merely suggesting that we conduct ourselves appropriately. If anyone has any comments or criticisms, I welcome them, Merry Christmas everyone, Mike
  17. I'd love to see that. Especially how you applied the black so precisely around the rope and inside the stamp.
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