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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Randy, that would be awesome! I may be up your way later this month. I'll PM you when I head up that way and if it works out, maybe I can stop by!
  2. Bob's book just gives you the elements, you have to lay them out, create your own and arrange them as you see fit. Do you have any books on sheridan carving? I could post some pictures of the stuff I'm talking about if you like. Basically, there's a system to it. Find your main elements like the flowers, and place them, then draw in your vines, stems and stumps in a way to fill the pattern.
  3. Chancey, you looking more for a pattern or the actual carving of it? I have Bob Park's book and I'd be happy to try and come up with something, but truthfully, it would be a first time for me. Anyway, if nobody else chimes in, let me know. I'll start working on the basics. Mike
  4. Why the Cowboy over the Cobra Class 4? Any insight is appreciated.
  5. Back to the envy sir! I want to play at your house!
  6. Your stories are all interesting! I have a full time job as well. I'm trying to find what I love (So far, all of it) , but I want to be able to do ANYTHING with leather. Cowboy boots or shoes is high on my list, as is learning to lace/braid. There's just so many things that are fascinating, and many of them seem to cross over each other. This forum is both bad AND good because I get to see all kinds of work and I want to try them all. I am thankful for the friendships I have made here and the knowledge I have gained. Its really amazing and humbling to have conversations with people I admire, and to have them encourage me and compliment the work I've already done. I have said it before, this community is the most friendly and helpful of all the ones I have belonged to. There are no trolls, and everyone seems genuinely helpful. So, while I haven't perfected anything yet, I feel like I HAVE to keep experimenting with other things.
  7. Awesome. I want one badly. As for your bike, just make it something pretty and be very supportive when you give it to her.
  8. cotton or wool batting stitched in a quilted patten might work. Should be easy to find too.
  9. Have you tried cleaning the leather with oxalic acid before dyeing ? Also, is it possible you have gotten some resist on the background?
  10. Yes, the therapy helps here as well. I take great satisfaction in working with leather and like you, I have a high stress job. Since I can't pound the criminals, I pound leather! Plus, at the end of the day, I have something tangible to show for it. My first project was also a tandy kit. I wanted to keep it away from the world so I could continue to look at my mistakes, but my step dad loved it so much that I couldn't resistgiving it to him. Here's a pic of it in its new home. I cringe, but he loves it! Mike
  11. Sorry, I was wrong, its a heel style buckle. http://zackwhite.com/xcart/product.php?productid=21352&cat=701&page=1
  12. I JUST saw one of these on one of the vendor sites. I'll see if I can't find the link for you.
  13. Thats cause you have to be a dealer to get a price list. They are not cheap and I reckon that machine version is $300 bucks
  14. Weaver requires a business license but the manual one I meant is about 35 bucks and I can hook you up with someone to get one.
  15. This is what you need for relatively cheap. Weaver tool part number 65-6185, page 208. http://www.weaverleather.com/flipbooks/supply/index.html
  16. I did, and that site is really confusing. I'm not sure I could find what I needed if I had to. Maybe I'll give them a call.
  17. Hey Matt, looks good for a first effort. All of the things I see are things that will improve with time and experience. I would never dissuade you from continuing, and if you love it, you should start saving your pennies now! The camera ALWAYS makes your flaws show up way more than the human eye, so don't let that discourage you. I LOVE working with leather, and I wouldn't give it up for anything. Except a billion dollars, which I would use to buy leather, tools and all the other stuff I'll need!
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