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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Man does that stitching look nice. I need to get a cobra. Nice work!
  2. How much? Looks pricey. And that means a LOT coming from me.
  3. Blake, that's way more useful! Sorry for my snarky response, i've been sick. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  4. Unfortunately, this is still very common and we investigate dozens of these a month, usually with the elderly. There are almost always good intentions, but you all know how that works out. Cheryl, while your reply is funny, it doesn't really phase them as they know what the reach of any investigating body is, and according to current US law, any agreement to send funds is purely a civil matter from a local law enforcement stand point. The problem is that once a person willingly agrees to send funds, its a) too late to do anything and a civil agreement. There may be new legislation coming but the best way to prevent this type of thing is to be aware. The FBI has an excellent fraud page explaining most of the scams. http://www.fbi.gov/scams-safety/fraud Lastly, when scammers send out mass emails, the unsubscribe button at the bottom is noting more than a confirmation button that the email address they targeted has a human sitting behind a computer. For those of you whom that's been effective, congrats, you are among the few, and I'd be curious to see how you have your computers set up to see if thats part of the email or part of your security programs. My computer can usually tell the difference between real and scam emails. I HATE that these scum prey of the elderly or the feeble, and I vigorously prosecute any that are domestic and fall within our jurisdictional boundaries. Please pass along the FBI site to those whom you feel could benefit from it.
  5. Junk caddy? Crap collector? Looks good no matter what!
  6. My opinion is that you should become a chemist, concoct all of these different brews and then educate us on all of your new knowledge. Seriously, sounds cool but whats wrong with available dyes?
  7. I'd strongly recommend against hitting the unsuscribe link. That merely confirms that they have reached a valid email address.
  8. I use Adobe Illustrator if I need something precise and repeatable. I use italics only when I don't realize they're on. Too lazy to retype.
  9. I'd like to know how you did that. And, it will give me a chance to work on my German. Austria is one of my favorite places...
  10. Love the bowl story! I just threw out the second holster I made for a charity event because something about had been bugging me and I'm starting over. Despite the fact that I'm not making anything on this rig, its going to have my name on it and I can't let it go out in that condition. So, while I understand everyone's view, I'm going with if I'm not satisfied, it stays home.
  11. Make your own tassel out of thin leather cut into strips and knotted.
  12. I just throw all my crap on a table. It's not pretty, but the organization sucks.
  13. I have an antique awl I'm using, but I have a Tandy one as well. I'ts awlful.
  14. My weaver punch takes way more hits than that so now I've decided it sucks ass. I'll try sharpening it but if I can't it's going back too.
  15. If you have the means, buy the best tools you can afford. They truly make a difference. Plus, if you decide its not for you, you can recoup the costs better with good tools.
  16. As we discussed in chat, the leather is ok at best. Good to learn but I quickly outgrew the intermediate leather's quality deficiencies.
  17. Man, that made MY ticker skip a beat. How'd you hold the arrow heat on? Wire?
  18. if you glue them to something, you can make a rack for small metal bits
  19. MAn you guys lost me on that one. I have no idea how that works, regardless of how the back side looks. Is it each an individual saddle stitch?
  20. Cool idea, especially as I would love to learn how to make boots!
  21. Wow. I was close to that three times in the last five years and I never knew about it. I NEED to go back to Europe and see this!
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