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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Make your own tassel out of thin leather cut into strips and knotted.
  2. I just throw all my crap on a table. It's not pretty, but the organization sucks.
  3. I have an antique awl I'm using, but I have a Tandy one as well. I'ts awlful.
  4. My weaver punch takes way more hits than that so now I've decided it sucks ass. I'll try sharpening it but if I can't it's going back too.
  5. If you have the means, buy the best tools you can afford. They truly make a difference. Plus, if you decide its not for you, you can recoup the costs better with good tools.
  6. As we discussed in chat, the leather is ok at best. Good to learn but I quickly outgrew the intermediate leather's quality deficiencies.
  7. Man, that made MY ticker skip a beat. How'd you hold the arrow heat on? Wire?
  8. if you glue them to something, you can make a rack for small metal bits
  9. MAn you guys lost me on that one. I have no idea how that works, regardless of how the back side looks. Is it each an individual saddle stitch?
  10. Cool idea, especially as I would love to learn how to make boots!
  11. Wow. I was close to that three times in the last five years and I never knew about it. I NEED to go back to Europe and see this!
  12. Updates EXPECTED Cheryl......
  13. JJ, I wish you the best. It's my dream to one day do that as well, and I hope you do well in your new career. Mike
  14. That was an impressive piece of refusal sir. I carry a weaponlight ON duty, not off. I can't imagine a scenario where a ccw holster NEEDs a light.
  15. Yep, looks like you're ready to do. I hope you sell everything. Suggestion. Put a watch in one of the watch bands. Even a cheap one can be visually compelling. Good luck!
  16. I'm with Oink on this one. I'm unaware of any sales but you should look at Springfield Leather Company(see banners on forum). They might. Once, I arrested two women for getting in a fist fight over a LeapPad. For those of you who don't know what that is, its a computer tablet for kids. And by fist fight I mean hair pulling, clawing and rolling around on the ground. So, have SLC mail you some lovelies right to your home and watch the craziness on the news!
  17. Welcome to the forum Ash. Your english is just fine!
  18. Hello Gen, welcome to the forum, your projects look good! I have an order for some Ren Faire cuffs for a friend of mine. Can't wait to start them. I have always loved Ren Faires but have been too cheap to vuy the awesome leather good for sale. I'm glad I waited, now I can make my own.
  19. Nice. looks quick and easy!
  20. you could also use a bone folder after getting the leather very wet. just like an eraser.
  21. If you stamped completely dry leather, you will get less detail than if you used properly cased leather. It looks like the tooling isn't crisp or that you have some "bounce" in the tooling.
  22. John, if the leather is veg tan, you may have to adjust tolerances for the pipe since the leather will not be as supple as chrome tan. However, I think it will look better and I would approach it like this, Since the pipe is the main feature, I'd build my pattern around the pipe, and I'd wet form the case around the pipe for a custom fit, then let the rest of the pouch fall into place based on that. I think there are lots of cool ways you could go about this. If you are using another pouch as a pattern, I'd suggest mocking one up out of paper or thin cardboard first. Hope this helps.
  23. I will say yes you can. I've done it to several holsters although Dwight is correct. The finish suffers a bit so you might have to re-finish it but that's easy.
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