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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Sometimes, orders are challenging and it's best to practice new techniques before you commit to the actual project. This one had a lot of new techniques. I should be able to refine it on the second go round...
  2. I agree with Tim. Shars tools has 12x18x3 surface plates for under 50 bucks.
  3. What the? I don't even.... Wow. Well, good luck. We will still welcome you back once you make the rounds.
  4. Eva, if you look on ebay, you can fond some decent knives. Bruce Johnson may also be able to help. He is a member here and he sells vintage tools that are worth a look. Good luck!
  5. Eva, Buy it NOW. The WORST advice I ever got from a leather worker was to not buy one because they were hard to use. NOTHING could be further from the truth. I have a Leather Wrangler knife with the pull cut feature and a knife by Terry Knipschield. Both are amazing and they are by far the most useful and valuable tools I have. The learning curve took me about five minutes. It only took 5 seconds to realize they are FAR superior to any other tool for cutting leather. I can easily cut complex curves out of 9-10 oz leather, and anything thinner than that is a breeze.
  6. Fish skin can be highly durable and useful. I have a djembe that has a sturgeon skin head. I've beat that drum as hard as possible and the skin holds up like nothing else. I wouldn't make a holster out of it, but it would be a cool inlay.
  7. Howdy Jeff! The cup holder goes on TOP of the stool!
  8. Another installment for the music store.
  9. Thanks everyone. Antwene, That was the first time I've ever done that and I thought about it a LOT before doing it. I like how it turned out as well!
  10. In my opinion, guns can get wet. My duty gun has spent days in the rain where I've had to dump water out of it. There was nothing about this holster that could harm the finish, so I just used the actual gun. Usually, I use a blue gun, but I didn't have this model. After a quick cleaning, dry and oil, the gun is just fine. Also, my holsters are so tight during wet molding, that a plastic bag rips right off and becomes a PITA.
  11. Yeah that's a winner! Nice to see your work again.
  12. I love the squirrel! I made some of those for my knives a while back...looks cool
  13. Thanks Nigel! How's things across the pond?
  14. For a fist project, you did a very good job! What weight leather did you use? And, how'd you get so good a stitching so fast?
  15. Tadhg, I used a BK matte tool for the mouth and I tooled first, then wet formed.
  16. Tex, thank you! That is a Mexican round braid. I used natural calf lace, 1/8 wide.
  17. Oink, a bunch is like 10 more. PLus whatever those orders generate. I have some major calluses on my fingers now after all that pulling. THanks everyone. These are fun to make!
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