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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. August's On-Line class will feature Chris Slickbald Andre, a multiple winner of the World Leather Debut competition, teaching you the essentials of operating your Cobra Class 4 stitcher or clone. See the course description below for details. As always, the class is $20.00, and this is one that can benefit anyone who uses a stitcher. As a winner at Sheridan, Chris can provide insight into how to stitch using your machine to pass muster in competition or to improve the production work coming out of our shop! Please register early as this class is limited to 100 seats, and as always, thank you for your continued support! Please register for Cobra Class 4 Essentials on Saturday, August 23, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT at: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/4525192196638504961 Multiple Sheridan First place winner Chris "Slickbald" Andre will teach you the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively operate your Cobra Class 4 (and clones). Some of the many topics covered will be basic set up and tensioning, cleaning, needle/thread selection, which plate/foot combinations to use and a stitching tutorial. As a bonus, Chris will show you how to stitch bullet loops for gun belts, slings, etc. Don't miss this chance to get comfortable with the intimidating beast in your shop! After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training. Registration Multiple Sheridan First place winner Chris "Slickbald" Andre will teach you the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively operate your Cobra Class 4 (and clones). Some of the many topics covered will be basic set up and tensioning, cleaning, needle/thread selection, which plate/foot combi… ATTENDEE.GOTOTRAINING.COM
  2. 200 plus shipping etc seems like a good deal to me. Those are generally more expensive than that.
  3. I can't make the times perfect for the entire world, but there will be a video recording for this exact reason.
  4. Ok, it's official. Paul Zalesak will be teaching his next class, Swivel Knife Tune Up, on July 26, 2014. See the registration information below for details and as always, ask if you have any questions. Please register for Swivel Knife Tune Up on Saturday, July 26, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM CDT at: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/5437019387902097410 In this class, Paul Zalesak will discuss sharpening, adjustments and performance of the swivel knife. Learn how to keep your knife in tip top shape and how to make your knife perform at its best. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training. Registration In this class, Paul Zalesak will discuss sharpening, adjustments and performance of the swivel knife. Learn how to keep your knife in tip top shape and how to make your knife perform at its best. ATTENDEE.GOTOTRAINING.COM
  5. Thats looking really sweet. How many holes do you have in that ?
  6. I love the idea of this as a project, and I can't wait to see it finished. I hear you on the solid block idea. Seems like it would be a lot less work, even if it lacks some of the cool factor.
  7. I want to say thank you to everyone who attended this class. It was out biggest yet, and it was a huge success! Stay tuned for more great instructors and classes!
  8. I agree with Sam. I just spoke to the owners of the company you clearly copied from and their opinion is that you should give credit where its due. You admit that you took the design from the internet, but you've clearly not considered the impact of copying one of the most unique designs out there (X2) and then posting it on a forum in a vary small community of leatherworkers. I also own several of their knives, and think they are some of the best people out there. While you have copied the shape, I doubt you have been able to copy the quality at the price you've offered them at. Yours are pretty, but thats because the overall design is pretty. You should call Paul and apologize for the blatant rip off. We all understand that imitation is a form of flattery, and that these knives look cool, but have a heart and don't undercut someone in the industry with their own design.
  9. Hey gang, Just a reminder that Paul Zalesak of Leather Wranglers will be teaching a swivel knife finesse class on-line next weekend, May 31, 2014 and 1:00 PM CST. If you want to learn from one of the industries most talented knife makers, and a great leatherworker in his own right, this class shouldn't be missed. There will be a video available for this class, but in order to access it, you will need to register prior to the date of the class. Paul Zalesak, of Leather Wrangler's ( http://www.leatherwranglers.com/about.html ) will be teaching Swivel Knife Finesse on May 31, 2014, at 1:00 PM CST. In this class, Paul will discuss swivel techniques for carving and for decorative cuts, and demonstrate how to properly execute both kinds of cuts. Please register for Paul Zalesak Swivel Knife Finesse on Saturday, May 31, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT at: https://attendee.got...264170279143681 After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training. Thanks for your support! Mike
  10. Hey gang, Just a reminder that Paul Zalesak of Leather Wranglers will be teaching a swivel knife finesse class on-line next weekend, May 31, 2014 and 1:00 PM CST. If you want to learn from one of the industries most talented knife makers, and a great leatherworker in his own right, this class shouldn't be missed. There will be a video available for this class, but in order to access it, you will need to register prior to the date of the class. Paul Zalesak, of Leather Wrangler's ( http://www.leatherwranglers.com/about.html ) will be teaching Swivel Knife Finesse on May 31, 2014, at 1:00 PM CST. In this class, Paul will discuss swivel techniques for carving and for decorative cuts, and demonstrate how to properly execute both kinds of cuts. Please register for Paul Zalesak Swivel Knife Finesse on Saturday, May 31, 2014 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT at: https://attendee.got...264170279143681 After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training. Thanks for your support! Mike
  11. Thanks Papaw! I really appreciate the feedback! To all of you who have requested to join the LADG page, please resubmit your requests as I was out of the country last week. I will add you asap. Stay tuned, I'm hoping to see the website soon and there are more exciting developments coming in the classes. Next up is Swivel Knife finesse with Paul Zalesak from LeatherWranglers.com! Thanks again! Mike
  12. I use this finish and its my go to finish. Bee Natural makes a variety of products, RTC just being one of them.
  13. One week until Bob Beard's online class!
  14. Ed is furiously working to get things ready for Sheridan, and he is working on orders. Being a one man show is tough, but he is a solid guy and he will get to your order. Do not fear. He has always come through for me. Mike
  15. I haven't experienced this at all. I started my prices on things relatively high and I didn't make any excuses about them, so most folks don't come looking for handouts. I will do pro bono work for friends that reciprocate, or those that truly have a need, but my time and abilities have value and I expect to be compensated accordingly.
  16. Hi folks, a friendly reminder that Bob's class is in 15 days! Hope to see you there.
  17. Just a reminder that Bob's class is 15 days away! I hope to see you there.
  18. I have spent 10K in my first year and a half. A big portion of that is my Cobra 4, but the rest is hand tools, leather etc. It's hugely addicting, and I admit I have many things that I probably won't use for a while like spots, buckles etc. But, I don't care. I NEED to do leatherwork and in turn, I need quality tools. I found out quickly that poor quality tools irritate me, and so I graduated to better tools. Of course, that why my figure is so high. The quality of my work and the ease with which it is done makes that expanse worth it to me. Another plus is that you will always get your money out of quality tools should you decide to sell them, and, they eliminate any excuses that you might decide to blame on a crappy tool.
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