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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. If you can't find anything, I have a video on my website that covers the basics of the Cobra Class 4 and clones, plus some basic stitching tips. Instructor is Chris Slickbald Andre, who knows a few things about the machines. Check it out here www.learnleather.com
  2. Eh, maybe he'll get lucky. Usually these just disappear after a decided lack of interest.
  3. I may be the only one here wondering this, but WHY are you trying to sell leather bags to leather workers. Its like selling chickens to poultry farmers. Or ice to Eskimos. (Shakes head in disbelief)
  4. Threads merged as requested. I agree with the amount of dye. To much and you'll end up with crisps. You can always add more but you can't take it away. Dilute your dye and sneak up on the color you desire, one coat at a time.
  5. There is! Go to Learnleather.com and sign up for the upcoming trainings!
  6. I'd like to have a conversation about artistic style. Not in the traditional sense, but as it pertains to leatherwork. Some people have a distinct style that screams their name. It seems to me that this is hard to accomplish. For those of you who are distinct, how did you do it? Was it consciously done or did you stumble upon it one day? Did you work to develop specific skills or one day arrived at where your at?
  7. Nothing at all except perhaps a local state fair. The best hope is that the IFOLG show comes to the midwest and I believe it is this year?
  8. I'd think any amount of oil sufficient to prevent cracking or dryness would be detrimental to carving. Interesting topic though.
  9. Nice looking rack. I like the upright orientation of it too.
  10. I know NOTHING about those items other than they're used with horses. If it were me, I would spend the money and get the right stuff. Your typical dune buggy or bicycle flag rods aren't going to work well. The ones above are hollow and tapered which will make them more whippy at the end, stiffer near the handle.
  11. The really easy solution is to mark your borders with a dividers first then copy the pattern onto the belt, stopping your tracing at the edges. You lose a bit of the pattern, but most of the time, you cut off a little anyway.
  12. http://www.davidmorgan.com/index.php?cPath=7_11_291 What about this?
  13. Thanks, I realized that if I had a crazy schedule, others did too and I wanted to make it available for everyone.
  14. Thanks, Thor! Made a few adjustments per your suggestion. Thank you kindly!
  15. Thanks, Chris! I think this will be easier for you and everyone else!
  16. Its with great joy I announce the opening of my website, www.learnleather.com for all of the leather workers here. I have been conducting online classes for over a year and a half now, and I have finally got the site working thanks entirely to my better half, Natalie. If you have ever wanted to take a class from a leather master but couldn't get to a show, here's the next best thing. Please take a look, and use my site to augment the knowledge here. If you like it, please register for our news letter and blog. http://www.learnleather.com Thanks! Mike
  17. Yessir! Works like a charm to the surprise and dismay of many people
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