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Everything posted by immiketoo

  1. Cosmosamson, if you want to buy ONE tool and be done, buy this. http://www.rochfordsupply.com/product_listing.asp_Q_ProdID_E_3390_A_SubCatID_E_505_A_CatID_E_421# You will never need another one AND it works flawlessly.
  2. I buy backs. The belly pieces are useless for me and I end up with bins full that I never use. Backs are long enough for belts and strong enough for everything.
  3. Brian, the techniques used are a swivel knife cut around the shape, and then beveling around the cuts. You could use a beveler for this, but I have created this effect by using pear shaders. Its pretty easy actually, and the shapes I see here definitely would fit a pear shader. Wet leather is like clay, and while you are pushing the leather in one direction or another, it will actually raise the surface as more of the collagen is pushed into a new area. I think if you practiced a bit you could replicate this easily. If you want, I'll take pics of the guitar strap I did that is similar to this.
  4. Looks like a home grown pony to me. Does it work?
  5. This is probably rare because it looks like is sucked to use.
  6. Woah...Bruce doesn't know about a tool. I'm sure its been keeping him up at night!
  7. Thanks everyone. This is a combo of acrylic and spirit dyes for the colors.
  8. I use a round knife for all my tight curves. I haven't found one I can't cut with it yet. Punches work well too, but the cut is cleaner with a knife IMO.
  9. Buy a round knife. Lightning said a good knife, but the best all around knife I have is a round knife. They are ESSENTIAL to leatherwork, and I was given bad advice at the beginning and told to use a box knife. I can't tell you the time, aggravation and wrecked leather I have saved since I got mine. Paul at http://www.leatherwranglers.com can set you up with a nice one. IF funds are tight, call Bruce Johnson and see if he can get you an older Gomph or Osborne.
  10. Thanks everyone! That is number three so far. I have a bunch more to make. They take about 15-20 hours each.
  11. Yep. Laser, and yes, there are any number of glues out there that would be strong enough for this type of application. Barge or even super glue would work. Epoxy, you name it.
  12. Here's the latest. Acrylic oil dye combo on this one.
  13. Electrathon, so if bearing cost is no longer and issue, and mass production costs are not either, wouldn't you rather build something to be the ultimate expression of your abilities? I operate my leather business with that philosophy and as a consumer, I look for that quality in the tools I buy. Cutting corners to save cost is what's wrong with society today and that mind set has permeated our culture. Wal-Mart mentality, I think it's called. I agree that a bushing of some kind would probably save a bit of money but I'm not sure I agree with your assumption that the box would only be opened 10K times ever. I'd probably exceed that just playing with a a well made item, before I ever put tools in it If costs are exorbitant or something is being mass produced and the cheaper item doesn't affect perceived quality or performance, then go for it, but why beat Shtoink down for building it his way? He made me a swivel knife using the same mind set as this box, and it is an amazing piece. I have quite a few knives from different makers and his is the smoothest by far. That translates into easy to use and is therefore one of my favorites. Post up you swivel knife once it's done. I'd like to see your interpretation.
  14. Something more local perhaps? http://www.summitracing.com/parts/tmk-fc65662?seid=srese1&gclid=CIyP-s2D2bgCFUxgMgod0XUAIw
  15. Pretty sure bearings r us would have them cheap No, really... http://www.bearingsrus.co.uk/
  16. Aaron, the pivot is not complex, just more sophisticated than a single nail. Plus, it pushes the DIY to a new level, and looks more like a finely developed product. You could even add a friction clutch bearing and a pneumatic piston on a small scale so it would deploy on its own when opened. Why not strive for something excellent? Planing some wood or MDF would be cool as hell, especially if it was then covered in calfskin or something. I like to think big, and to things exceptional. A bushing might be less costly, a dowel less so. But imagine how smooth it could be as is? Just my perspective on a cool idea.
  17. Thanks everyone! I DO know Mr. Tobias, I've been a customer for years. I'm glad I have been getting sucha positive response, and I'll be happy to make everyone barstools! I'm gonna need more leather...
  18. WScott, I might make a tutorial on this in the future...
  19. That insert looks more like armadillo than alligator. Nice rig though.
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