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Everything posted by Havamal

  1. Just to throw in my 2 cents... I do some side work vectoring drawings for publication, as far as free software goes you cant go wrong with Inkscape. A lot of people use it for publication because of its ease of use and as a result there are tons of tutorial videos on Youtube to help you get started.
  2. Nice work! I agree on the tote, good eye appeal
  3. Nice job... and Dixson seems to approve!
  4. All I can say is... WOW! phenomenal work as usual Samar
  5. Hmmm... I wonder where I could find friends like that? Awesome deal!
  6. Welcome Aboard! Look forward to seeing your work!
  7. Welcome Aboard! like the mixed medium for the ipad case!
  8. I hope that you do not leave this forum... there is a lot to be learned on this site and it is full of helpful people. I can't fathom how a person could be offended by your post... let alone how would hurt a veteran? Sounds like you encountered a real Jackass that should be banned from this forum for harassing a member... I just hope that you stick around and don't take this jackass too seriously.
  9. Welcome Aboard! Nice work on the wallets, Look forward to seeing more!
  10. Whoa! that is fantastic work!
  11. Welcome Aboard!
  12. Havamal

    Makers Mark :)

    Typically they are made of a Delrin plastic and it is said that they can last upwards of a 1,000 stampings. I don't have any experience with the stuff, but from what I hear it is pretty durable stuff!
  13. I saw that and took a screen shot of it and sent it into Tandy asking if this was an error... I sent it once a day for a week... still no response. (that was a month ago) It is hard to keep the loyalty of your members if you keep shooting them in the foot!
  14. Interesting move on their part if they want to go out of business... The local Tandy here has not heard anything about this... and their "classes" consist of "bring in what ever you want to work on or have questions about", they don't do "structured kit classes" because they found that there is no interest for that in this area. As a result they end up with 10-20 people hanging out working on various projects and getting a lot of input from everybody, plus their sales of tools, supplies, etc... during this time, is exponentially higher on those days! Seems to me the rest of Tandy should be using this as a model to expand interest rather than limit their potential.
  15. I'm new to leatherwork myself. But at first glance I would guess that these are machined, made by a press rather than carved.
  16. Those are going to look great Reenee! Nice work
  17. Another suggetion for a slab... Try your local hardware box store (Lowes, Home Depot, etc...) They do not sell slabs, but they do have peices in thier displays for counter tops. I went in and was talking to the guy that ran the counter dept and he told me that when they get new displays the old ones are dismantled and the slabs are tossed or stored. I got 2 real nice slabs of granite that are 24"x24" and 3" think for free, they were just going to throw them away!
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. Now that is impressive, hard to believe that it is your first saddle! I realy like how you incorporated the knotwork style in with the traditional tooling!
  20. Those are great! You might be getting requests from the rest of his crew!
  21. First off, welcomr to the forum! Seeing as you are in Everett the Seattle Tandy is the closest to you. I have not been to that store so I can't really say much about it... If you are up for a little farther drive, the Tandy store in Tacoma does a free walk-in informal instruction Saturdays 9am-noon. The manager there that runs it has built a few sets of armor and might be a good source of hands on information.
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