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El Zipster

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Alicante Spain
  • Interests
    Spanish Language, Teaching and Playing Blues/Jazz Harmonica and playing Ukulele and of course Leatherworking.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Ukulele/Guitar Straps, Belts and Cases/Pouches

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  1. Hi This guy sells veg tan mail order, he's in Oviedo Asturias http://www.joman.net/presentacion.htm he also stocks Fiebing Pro Oil dyes at a reasonable price. To be honest I've not been too satisfied with the quality of the veg tan I've found here in Spain. I've also bought from Tandy in Jerez and from another small shop in Elda Alicante. I now order mine from the UK and swallow the shipping costs. At least the quality of the leather is where I want it to be. Cheers Zip
  2. I buy it from here in Spain for under 7 euros for a 4 oz bottle. Don't know what the shipping will be to Italy though. Send him an email He's an approachable guy. http://www.joman.net/curtidos.htm Cheers Zip http://www.zipsleather.com
  3. Hi I've bought many things from this website. Always helpful with a fast delivery time. Hope that reassures you................ Cheers Zip
  4. Free postage and Packing though !!! LOL Cheers Zip
  5. I've been using mine for some time now and can say that it is one of the best tool investments I've made. I had mine made with a locking mechanism, vertical stabiliser, and some needle magnets. With regards to the comment about difficulty in getting your awl in because of the wide arc of the design, I personally don't have a problem, but I do use the osbourne pear shaped awl haft which is a relatively slim design, if you prefer to use a large awl haft specifically those with a lip to them, then I guess you might find yourself with a problem. Cheers Zip www.zipsleather.com
  6. Thanks for your very kind offer Bob, I'm going to give it some serious thought. Cheers Zip
  7. Thought I'd take advantage of this great offer and order myself the French and the Japanese version $40 is a great price. Got through the registration process and went to checkout only to find that standard international shipping comes out at $50!!! Knives are at a great price but that kind of shipping rip off goes against all my principles I'm afraid, shame really........oh well......... Order Cancelled. Cheers Zip www.zipsleather.com
  8. I really like it! I too think you've understated your woodworking skills, it's a fantastic job and will give you many years of use i'm sure. Cheers Zip www.zipsleather.com
  9. I use a template from Black River Laser but you could make your own one up I guess. Cheers Zip www.zipsleather.com
  10. I use a Fred Moreau Clam and had him add a locking mechanism for me. This works great. To deal with the extra length I use a height adjustable kitchen stool to sit myself on. I'm very happy with this setup it's very versatile, I can adjust the angle of the clam to keep the work vertical and adjust working height using the stool depending on what I'm working on. Cheers Zip
  11. Try HostGator. I'm currently building a website using Wordpress and have got my domain and hosting from them. Good prices and a very helpful customer service dept. Cheers Zip
  12. I have nothing more to say on the matter, except, do your research before you make sanctimonious claims. Our discussion is over, we'll have to agree to disagree. Oh, one more thing, If you haven't tried Moussaka you don't know what you're missing :-) Over and out Zip
  13. I too use the Gylcerine bar soap. I haven't used the tin stuff so I can't compare but I get good results with the bar. Cheers Zip
  14. Wow, that's a lot corser that I imagined. Thanks for the tip Cheers Zip
  15. Well, we'll have to agree to differ then, because the research is out there to prove that your claims are non founded. ecig liquid contains nothing more than vegetable Glicerin (food grade approved) Flavouring (food grade approved) and Nicotine which is no more damaging than Caffine (enjoy your morning coffee perhaps?) With regards to nicotine, did you know that many vegetables contain nicotine? Eggplant for example contains huge amounts!!!! As far as your higher than mighty statement that 'Nobody forced me to start smoking' Yep I have to agree, but hey, how can you tell a 10 year old what to do when all of his peers are doing the same? That was the era I grew up in. I didn't call you a liar btw, all I asked was that you did your research before making damning remarks. Ecigs are saving many, many lives without putting others at risk. That's a fact, and the evidence is out there. Cheers Zip
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