Well, we'll have to agree to differ then, because the research is out there to prove that your claims are non founded. ecig liquid contains nothing more than vegetable Glicerin (food grade approved) Flavouring (food grade approved) and Nicotine which is no more damaging than Caffine (enjoy your morning coffee perhaps?) With regards to nicotine, did you know that many vegetables contain nicotine? Eggplant for example contains huge amounts!!!! As far as your higher than mighty statement that 'Nobody forced me to start smoking' Yep I have to agree, but hey, how can you tell a 10 year old what to do when all of his peers are doing the same? That was the era I grew up in.
I didn't call you a liar btw, all I asked was that you did your research before making damning remarks. Ecigs are saving many, many lives without putting others at risk. That's a fact, and the evidence is out there.