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Everything posted by RoyalLeatherDesigns

  1. Dwight thanks for sharing that info with us I am here to learn better techniques and tricks of the trade and I will definitely remember and use this practice. God Bless! Ralph
  2. I agree with you on getting a crisper stamp if its one piece but I wouldn't pound or roll the crap out if it after its been stamped.
  3. I would and have done it before you start stamping it I don't think you would want to pound it or roll it with much pressure father you have spent hour stamping a crisp design. I might be wrong but definitely interested in whats the right way. Good luck. Ralph
  4. I think the bag is perfect I really like it one day I hope to be able to make something like this. I don't know what it is but when it comes to putting multiple pieces together I panic. That being said I bet it takes a lot of planning and thinking to accomplish this something I am not too good at. I am definitely impressed. Looks great! Ralph
  5. Yetiusmc, Wallet Looks great those colors really pop out. What kind of dye/paint did you use. Take care. Ralph
  6. MadMorbius, Are there any advantages to becoming a contributing member, not that it really matters after all the help this forum has been I plan on becoming a contributing member by the end of this year that's my goal. I am just curious if you get a different version or something extra from doing so. Thanks in advance! Ralph Garcia
  7. Nice work! I know that feeling I haven't had it for a while but it does feel good especially when unexpected. God Bless. Ralph
  8. This forum does send me emails but I just noticed that leatherpros forum hasn't been from personal experience. Will wait and see.. Good luck! Ralph
  9. I would get a cobra Class 4 standard package for 2295 or you can get the deluxe package with all the bells and whistles for 2695 and I thinks that's delivered like I said the motor only runs when you are sewing its really nice and slow and you have total control of the machine it's a beauty. Give Steve a call. There is absolutely no comparison between the tippman and the Cobra plus the Obras hold their value. http://www.leathermachineco.com/catalog.php?item=57 Ralph
  10. If I was you I'd get a 441 clone from Cobra or Cowboy, the Tipman Boss Machines are good but they will get you tired after sewing a large piece like a belt or something similar. The new servo motors on the Cobras use little power probably much less than your T.V. So the electricity. Is no problem the space maybe but you can always try to make space for it. I would never buy a Tipman but that's just me for half more you'll get a real sewing machine with a motor that you will love and be able to expand to do anything you want the Tipman is limited because of the throat length and the 441 has 16 inches of to work with. Have fun! Ralph
  11. The servo from Sailrite is made in the USA it's a very good motor and compact as well 1/3 of a horsepower. You can see it on YouTube they compare it to another servo motor
  12. Looks good! All that matters really is that you put your time in effort and made it to your taste. The machine must of gotten a good oiling and such. Did you do anything to the table? Ralph
  13. If your checking out this forum your probably interested in the hobby so go for it try to make the case and learn from your mistakes. Get the basic essential tools that you need to complete this project if you like what your getting yourself into then go about and expanding your tools and machinery that you'll need to do stuff like this and other projects that you'll be interested in after getting the feel for it. Good luck with your venture if you run across any problems or questions ask and we will all try to help you. Ralph
  14. Toolerlass, Little by little you'll get all the tools you need, what's up with your neighbors, maybe giving them a belt or wallet will solve the conflict.... But then again some neighbors don't deserve more than a Hi and Bye. Take care! Ralph
  15. Gottaknow that explains why I see this done a lot in factories. It makes sense especially if its a standard practice for you to use your lube pot. I didn't think of it but will definitely start to do it. Could also prevent from dust and debris to get in there if you leave your machine sitting for a while especially if you do wood work in the same room. Good idea! Ralph
  16. Pictures would help if anything give Steve a call in the morning he will make sure your problems resolved before you hang up the phone with him. Enjoy your King Cobra and don't forget to post pics of the work done on the Cobra. Good Luck! Ralph
  17. I spoke to the gentlemen that advertises these motors online and he said that Consew discontinued these motors a while back. However he still has some leftover he is selling them for 200 plus shipping I think he is taking advantage of the fact that you can't get these motors anywhere else and bumps up the price. I need this motor it fits right for my application and willing to pay the price he has them in other configurations as well half and 1/3 hirsepower. His website is AceSweVac.com and phone number is 1800-992-4739 Good luck! Ralph
  18. Most of the black motor I have seen are 1725 or somewhere near but again they are hard to find. Check out the Sailrite I myself was researching motor today like I said I need one but I will probably go with the following Consew KP Series / Model M7D Continuous Running 1725 RPM Motor. For all button sewing machines, bar tackers, and special purpose equipment. Features. All Ball Bearing Construction. Belt Tension Adjuster. Belt Guard. 6 Volt, 17 Watt Light Tap. Rubber Vibration Isolators. 3/4-inch Pulley Shaft. Pre-Wired Push Button Switches Available. 1725 RPM. Dual-voltage motor. 110 / 220 Volts, 50 / 60 Hz, Single Phase. Others voltages and frequencies available by special order. Related Model. Model M7: 1/2 HP, 1425 RPM.
  19. Have you looked into Efka motors they are not American or Japanese but they are good quality servo motors. I am looking for a motor as well to power a old needle and awl machine I don't know if I should put a continious motor or a clutch motor. I found a continious motor made by consew but its probably made in China if its an old machine that you are working on you can find those old black motors on eBay. Sailrite has a very good Servo motor as well its a little expensive but well worth it i think.
  20. A while back I found a picture of a Cyclone that was auctioned off and it has a piece that is different to all other Cyclones I have seen. Does anyone know what this piece is for. It's on the base of the machine where the needle and bobbin go. Check out both pictures and you can see the difference. Did these machines come with a continuous motor or a clutch motor. Thank you, Ralph
  21. Nice, you got the department looking good. I hope they appreciate how much work goes into making one of these beautiful pieces. You always post really good work. Take care! Ralph
  22. I'm glad you sold your machine hopefully you got what you asked for since this is a great machine. Well take care & God Bless Ralph
  23. Nice....you certainly make use of what you have.. You even got a sander. The edges look good, you should try to dye them brown and then burnish so we can see a nice dark edge. Thanks! Ralph
  24. It is expensive to get a quality product at the end if you can save a few thousand which one would you buy? God Bless! Ralph Garcia
  25. Tor, When will we know the price of this machine and when will it be available to purchase if youmdont know the exact price yet what do you think these will cost ball park. Thanks you, Ralph Garcia
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