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    Summerland Key, FL
  • Interests
    Learning leathercraft

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  1. I bought one, got a great deal from the store manager. BUT, it didn't work worth spa damn. Took the blade out and sharpened / stropped and it works pretty well up to 3" wide straps. I kept watching ebay, got a good deal on a nice 6" osborne splitter, man what a difference. Tandy tools are best to pass on and buy the good stuff.
  2. AWSOME job, be proud of that!
  3. Call Bob @ Toledo Sewing Machine, (419) 380-8540, I got mine from him, he's a great guy. I think it was $135 shipped. He's a great source for parts and thread also.
  4. Go to Proleptic.net They have all of the manuals
  5. I have to admit being "2 Timer"', bought Tandy then by chance bought a lot of vintage from eBay. the lot had Gomph, Hf Osborne. So now O am buying everything a Second Time.....only now all tools are vintage or high end makers. Skip the SLC and Tandy stuff made in China, Taiwan etc.
  6. Order the Douglas awl blade, they are AWSOME. I have 2, regular and slim. Do yourself a favor and skip Tandy tools. I have replaced most Tandy tools with Osborne, Gomph, Douglas, Dixon etc. Sheridan has a tab in top right "Tools" with a drop down "Vintage Tools" where you should be able to pick out a pricking wheel ( #5 on my holsters ) you will be better off skipping the cheap china tools Tandy sells. Good luck
  7. Great holster. I would be proud to own that one!
  8. mccottie


    Those reins are beautiful. you should be very proud. I would be proud to use them.
  9. Well I thought I woul report on my first Abbey England / Tiger thread order. I opened an account with Abbey England. It was as easy as sending an email request. They responded the next day with log in info. Just received my first order for 7 rolls of Tiger thread. It was a bit odd the way they process orders. On check out the invoice total does not show any shipping cost. It says shipping will be calculated upon dispatch. Well, not knowing what shipping was going to be, I only ordered the 7 rolls that I really wanted. Cost was 114 pounds. Converted to $189.00 USD. Well shipping gets billed as another credit card charge. In my case it was $33 USD. So, final tally is $31.71 USD per roll. Not too bad on price or shipping. Package came in 3 days.
  10. I ordered the Black River Laser guitar strap template, it's worth every penny. All of her templates are great. Order the strap template, you'll love it
  11. Great Job! .......
  12. Looks AWSOME, nice detailing. Great to see the step by step pictures.
  13. Awsome looking belts. How do you do your burnish edge. It is very well done. I did some research on the needle tip and found Campbell - Bosworth has a chart which explains the various needle tips. Yours are LR which is an angled tip giving the look of an awl hole. Here is the link to the needle info : http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/supply/needles.html Great work
  14. That is very nice, the Bison is awsome.
  15. Very well done. Actually, Incredible detail. Very impressive.
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