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Modified Association

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Everything posted by Modified Association

  1. Thanks a ton everyone. I can totally see what you mean, is there another machine out there that is comparable in size to the Boss. I have a very small working space and really the biggest thing i would be doing with it would be yokes on chaps and not very many of them. I had thought that it would be nice to have the unit bolted right to my work bench and it wouldnt be in the way while not in use. i appreciate the insight from everyone, thanks. Mod. Assos.
  2. Still got it? Mod. Assos.
  3. I take it this is finalized? Or is the splitter still available? Mod. Assos.
  4. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/home/department/hardware/al-stohlman-brand-saddle-hardwar/al-stohlman-brand-saddle-hardwar.aspx Here's kinda the stock standard from Tandy. It is engraved as well, but like electrathon said, it could be turned around and I would think the back would be smooth. Let us know how it goes. P.S. - I am in the middle of my first breast collar as well. So far its pretty simple but lots of fun....... Mod. Assos.
  5. Do you know if this would included the deerskins and scandanavian elk he has? he claims it is all still stocked in the US so the importing country would still be the same but if its real, the country of origin would be a bit interesting. Thanks a ton for the comment though. Helps a lot and I appreciate it. Mod. Assos.
  6. Deadlance, I dont think I can afford that but if you are open to offers send me an email. I sent you a PM as well. Aaron
  7. Check out this link for a possible source of this type of hide. I have never bought from these ppl but if someone here does or has, please comment as I am interested and would like to know. Mod. Assoc. http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_osacat=0&_armrs=1&_ssn=theleatherguyofmn&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xelk&_nkw=elk&_sacat=0&_from=R40
  8. Hello Everyone, I have done a little research on hand stitchers and for things like saddle repairs (billets, rear cinchs, and general hobby work) it seems the general opinion is that the Boss is a decent machine to handle this. I have asked a few of the folks out there with old ads for one they would like to sell and it doesnt seem there are many available. If you have one, please respond and we'll work out a deal. Modified
  9. ok, thanks. if you see one let me know. modified
  10. Do you know where I could find one of these in working order now? I dont have a pile of cash to spend but somewhere around 750 or so. Modified
  11. Still available? Modified
  12. Still available? Modified
  13. Still available? Modified
  14. Still available? Modified
  15. You still have this stuff? Modded.
  16. Fair enough. Have to check that site out when I get the chance. I sent him a message earlier about the Boss sewing machine cause they seem to be a compact hand operated unit that i could just mount to my desk kinda back in a corner and use right there. Cant decide yet but seems to me that i could pick one up for around 750 or so. M A
  17. What did he come back with? I am looking at a couple different Tippmann Boss units as the machine I sourced here is approx. 1000 years old and worked but broke some pulley in the back halfway through the demo. Do you have a bunch of tools for sale, Bruce? Aaron
  18. Thanks for the comment. Sorry your day is going so crappy! Who ever you think you are. A
  19. Do you still have this? Aar.
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