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  • Gender
  • Location
    Okmulgee, OK
  • Interests
    Scuba diving, wood turning, black smithing, leather working, motorcycles, beer ;)

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Learning... seem to be gravitating towards journals and wallets
  • Interested in learning about
    Wallets, bags, pouches - utility items.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Those all look great, love the carved work (not a big fan of the hair on hide stuff, but that's just me). Something about that third sheath in from the left, really like the looks of that one, carving is fantastic and of course, your stitching is always great.
  2. Toxo, yes sir, it's a Sam Brown button.
  3. Thank you... Max - yeah, I was wondering the same thing... I think the saving grace is the fact that it's pretty small... not putting much more than a phone and ID in it... We'll see how it's doing in 6 months or so - Wife already claimed it
  4. Little round bag based on pattern from KarlovaDesign on Etsy... fun little item to make. Thread is a .76mm waxed Burgundy polyester from The Thread Exchange. Leather is a 4-5oz oil tanned that I got several years ago from Springfield Leather. I need to pick up different hardware for the strap, the snap clips on it for the pic are too narrow, would like at least a 1" strap.
  5. Nailbanger - Thank you - the pattern for the pin cushion came from DieselPunkRO on Etsy. mine is stuffed with a big hunk of natural sponge.
  6. Thank you guys... Tx, that made me laugh.. and yeah, I've finished up large bowls or vases LONG after the Zen wore off...just finished to get it off the lathe!
  7. Been a long time since I've posted... I've been busy, but I've managed to get some time lately to make a few things... this is my first real attempt at hand stitching... really trying to do it right and pay attention. Most items I've made have been sewn on my old industrial Singer or on my Tippman... I've recently learned that hand stitching is actually fun. I've been a wood turner for years and I've always explained to people that there is something "zen" in turning wood... I recently discovered that hand stitching evokes a similar feeling.
  8. Would be proud to have those on my desk... I might offer one suggestion, on bullet 2 of the sales description, change "vegetable leather" to "vegetable tanned leather".... or folks might think they're getting "pleathor"
  9. YinTx... those are all amazing! and like you mentioned, I tend to spend more time "looking than doing", but you have motivated me to get out to the shop and get some more tooling practice. I would be proud to have my bible in any of those covers.
  10. Moto.... I have been a wood turner for years and have cut and prepped a LOT of wood, of a lot of varieties, for turning. I've also prepped and used several really large stumps for anvils for my other hobby, blacksmithing. A lot of good advice here and I'll add my two cents worth. For your purposes, definitely get the bark off...you can paint or urethane the ends if you want, it will just slow the checking, but it's going to check (crack) regardless... banding it at the top and bottom with something you can increase pressure on as it dries will be one of the biggest benefits... and if you get some steel bands made up for that purpose, you can add loops to them for holding mallets and other tools . Jim was dead on with the drying times... I usually turn green wood to about an 1" thick and let it set in shavings and a brown paper bag for a year before removing and finish turning... it's held solid for about every species I've turned... so given that, debark, seal the ends (or not), and band it tightly and start using it...
  11. WRLC - I really like the concept of the "inside out" wallet, that's slick! Agata - did you see this post: It's an excellent starter billfold pattern. I've made several, very easy and quick to make.
  12. Welcome sir... I'm just down the road from you in Okmulgee
  13. Ordie - What carrier? I was deployed on CV-62, USS Independence from '83 to '87....
  14. That's what I suspected, just confirming... great work - I haven't tackled a bag of that complexity yet... several messenger style bags and smaller stuff... but I'm working up to it
  15. Awesome work for first projects... you don't start small!... question though, what is the handle on the front of the briefcase bag for?
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