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Everything posted by skip

  1. I have seen quite a few on eBay you just have to look for them. keep looking Marlon was right you just missed one so keep looking and be vigilent about it. good luck
  2. I don't want to butt in but I can't help myself I have had tools from the seventies, eighties, and ninties, and there isn't a compaison to the tools you can buy today. yes they cost more but when you buy thes tools from Ellis Barnes you willnever have to replace them. I have bought craftools, hide crafter tools and have had to replace them because they bend when you hit them with a good size mallet. Elis Barnes , Barry King, and Robert Bared tools may cost more but you will nver have to worry about messing up a project because you bent, or broke the tool you are working with. I have all three of these makers tools and I won't have a problem buying more they are worth the extra money you will spend rather than on the softer metal tools. I have several tools from craftool like the basket weave tools they are numbered the same but make two different kind of impressions, yet they are the same tool or at least they are supposed to be. yes I know that you can make very beautiful work with almost any tool if you have the talent, however i have noticed a much better quality to my tooling using the more expensive tools, they make a cleaner impression and they are not made of soft material. just my two cents. if you talk to some of the older leather workers a good portion will tell you that a lot of the tools they used were made from nail heads and there work almost always sold for top dollar. if you get the chance to buy Ellis's tools you won't be unhappy.
  3. Very nice! what other type of work do you do? the only time I have seen art like this is from a Medical illistrator. the detail is great. was this taken from an actual subject or did you use a picture. at any rate fantastic job!!!
  4. Beautiful work!! & welcome to the forum the colors are fantastic
  5. Watch eBay for them. I see them from time to time, depending on how many are bidding you might get a pretty good deal. good luck.
  6. [attachme t=13652:ChapLineUp.jpg] These are just a few pictures of the way I have been setting up my booth at various shows in the Utah area. I can't say I have sold a lot of my invintory but from previous years and setting up my booth differently than what I am doing now netted me less sales. You have to take in the clientel and what it is that they would actually spend there money on. Setting up a booth is very important as you really want to catch the eye of potential customers. When I first started out I used some old rotating displays that I got from a little curio shop. they were to small for what I was using them for and did not show off my items very well. that is why I now use a grid wall system to set up my display. it is easy to set up and to take down and really takes less room to store than did the display racks that I had used previously the grid walls also can be set up in different ways to attract attention to certain items that I would like to move. I hope this helps.
  7. those staps look great, I have a question as to the banjo strap is it actually the same size? very nice looking I would bet that they will be very happy with them.
  8. skip


    that is very nice looking.
  9. Hey Tom that is pretty cool. I can tell I do not think outside the box enough I am caught in my saddle and tack modes and don't often see that leather can be used for all kinds of great things like your Scrabble board. Great stuff!
  10. My given nick name was Skipper due to my mother going into labor on her uncles sailboat and him being a captain in the Navy. I go by skip.
  11. Hey that is cool I went to the site and read part of the book. I liked what I read very imaginative. My daughter would love it! very well done! you should have money rolling in very soon.
  12. Tom: The sides are actually a 5-6oz oiled diamond tan chap leather which is very nice to work with. Thanks
  13. Okay I am going to try again to upload a set of horn bags I finished a wheil ago. we'll see if I can get it right today.
  14. Nice work that is truly thinking out of the box your design worked out very nicely.
  15. Not to take away from your topic. Bruce you asked if Elton knew about any flank buckles. were you asking about the flank bucking cinch quick release buckles? If so check out www.lowreyusa.com I believe they will have what you need. BTW I enjoyed meeting and talking with you at Jerimiah Watts at the tree fitting seminar. Elton Nice work on the halters! I haven't had to many opertunities to make any bronc halters but those are some good working ones. Sorry about the repeat
  16. I don't want to be a pest but where are the pictures of the purse? for some reason I am not able to view them on my computer.
  17. It is not likely to be A Bona Allen as they were clearly marked in the seat leather as well as behind the cantle.
  18. why not jusat try making one up for your self? just make sure it is at least 18 to 20 inches in length with extra leather on the ends to fold over the breast collar dees. just a thought that way you could design your own and have it match the shoulders and chest of your horse. good luck
  19. When I have displayed my items it has been mostly at horse shows but I use Grid walls and hang my stuff from hooks, Most shows that you rent a space from will rent you a 10X10 space to display your stuff. I set up my grid walls in the back of my booth and let the costomers come into my booth to view them. I will see if I can post a pic so you know what I am talking about. I hope these pictures will help the woman in the picture is my wife Becky who is my major supporter in my business. [attachment=12 76:Booth_Expo_07_1.jpg]
  20. skip

    LCI Edge Coating

    my question is how do the hold up to regular use? the colors look nice.
  21. I had a similar experience with my daughter riding under a guide wire for a telephone pole and the horn didn't get ripped off but it made it loose enough that I wanted to check the rest of the saddle and found it had broken the tree in five places. so I would have to agree with greg and either give the rest of the saddle a good going over before you fix the hole or let them know that you don't want the responsibility of fixing it. could be trouble down the road. good luck
  22. those are truly great looking boots. I hope you have them on display somewhere.
  23. rather than using an awl to follow through from the sheepskin side try using the other needle, if you are using the two needle system.
  24. thanks for posting such nice work gives me something to aspire to. looking forward to seeing more picturess posted of your current work.
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