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Everything posted by bcboots

  1. Please explain the "dry ash method" for those of us who are uneducated. By the way you do fantastic work. Blake
  2. Beautiful inlay work. Very clean and lots of eye appeal. You should be very proud. Blake
  3. Sorry I should have given you more information. It is a book written by Al Stolhman. They can be found on the tandy web site or check Ebay. Blake
  4. I believe what you are looking for can be found in "The Art of Making Leather Cases" volume 2. Hope this helps.
  5. I don't have any lace to sell.but contact Bill Confer @ Tejas Industries, Hereford Tx. Phone number is 800-858-4384 or866-660-2830. I believe they have a 25' min. Bill will cut it to the width you want. You can email Bill at bconfer@merrickpetcare.com and he will send you a price sheet. Hope this helps. Blake
  6. Rory, The stitch groover won't work on the elephant. You might try gluing a scrap on the 3-4 oz liner scrap and then punch stitch holes from the inside (liner side) to see if the holes are visible. If this works then on the knife sheath prepunch your stitch holes on one half of the sheath before glueing along the seam. Fold the sheath and then sew your seam together. You might not prepunch holes at the tip. Hope this helps. Blake
  7. Try Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx (806) -373- 0535. Blake
  8. I also have purchased 8oz. flask @ Walmart , along tha same price range. Sometimes they are in tha camping equipment and other times I have seen them on the rack at the checkout. Anyone have a sorce for the metal flask funnel? I think it would help with the sales of a nice leather covered flask.
  9. Charlene, Check of the leather covered flask on Etsy. Maybe this will give you a starting spot on pricing. Be sure and post photos.
  10. Try Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx. Phone number is (806)-373-0535. Hours are Mon,-Fri, 9-5. Sat.9-1. They had several sizes last time I checked. They have an 800 number but I don't have it with me. Also have a web site, think it's panhandleleather.com Blake tr
  11. Try Moscow Hide and Fur : hideandfur.com or John Fong Exotic Leathers: johnfongexoticleathers.com hope this helps, blake
  12. Butch I just found this thread. Iwould love to have a copy also. My address is boots@xit.net. Thank you. Blake
  13. Jim Check out the "custom cowboy boot and shoe makers forum" site. A ton of information there and people willing to answer your questions. Blake
  14. Regis, The photo looks like some kangaroo I bought several years ago from Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx. I believe it was called Brush Kangaroo. Most of the wrinkles disappeared when the leather was stretched. They have a small selection of kangaroo. Also check www.charleshartke.com or www.newbigbook.com search the products & services guide for kangaroo. Hope this helps you. Blake
  15. jd I have been working at a 90,000 head cattle feeding operation for the past 13 years. I've gone through 3 pair of boots during that time. My current pair will be 5 years old in about 60 days. The boots were made in my shop so I had to put them to the test. Never had overboots on them during winter or after a rain. This is how I care for mine. When I wash them I use Ivory soap or the Lexol cleaner that Randy mentioned. How often will depend on the weather conditions. Then let them dry on their own. Never leave them by the fire place or floor furnace. Dry them too fast or with too much and I'm asking for trouble. When the boots are dry I use Williams Saddle Dressing on them. Just put it on with a small scrap of woolskin. A lot of people only condition the "vamp" (foot) portion but the boot tops also need it; along with the welt. Williams has lanolin, tallow, and bees wax as part of the ingrediants. No chemicals. The Williams dressing will help water proof the boots also.Every evening I try to wipe the dust off with a damp cloth. The dust particles get in the pores of the leather and this is where the cracking begins. Williams is a little pricy but in my opinion well worth the expence. Blake
  16. RDB Nice work. You might consider edging, dyeing or staining and rubbing the edges just to give them a finished look. Don't sell yourself short. Blake
  17. Looking for a supplier to purchase the fiberglass core that is used in the bats for barrel racers. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Blake
  18. Blake, The star is about 2 1/2" from point to point. I like the name also.
  19. Looking for information on tooling a ranger star. In paticular the star to give it a 3D look other than just beveling around the outside. Any help would be appreciated. Blake
  20. Yaklady The fellow I made the boots for normally wore his pants inside the tops but there were times he didn't want all the attention so he could wear his pants out. The tops were made to fit his leg as well as the boots being made to fit his feet. Chocolat... Yes 23" from the top of the heel base to the top of the tops. I'll try to post a pic of my personal boots in the next few days. Same style with 27" tops. I get asked quite often about them being hot. I have never swet out the tops because my pants legs absorbed the swet and there isn't an air pocket to hold in the heat.
  21. Thanks to all the people who took time to check out the flag boots. I appreciate your comments. They are a product of a love-hate relationship with intricate design and craftmanship. The end product will never be repeated. So I guess you could say that they are a one of a kind item. The boots were made for a client in Kansas, who was wearing the boots until mid-October. He suffered a major accident at work, and he now is unable to wear the boots. He does not have the ability of movement in his knee to pull them on or off. He now has them now on display in his home office for his private viewing pleasure.
  22. These American handmade boots were a take off of an old pair of Calvary boots. The design was made to look as if old glory is rippling in the blowing wind. Inset at the top of the boots are the words, "One Nation" on one boot front and, "Under God." on the other . From the back view there are no words inlaid. There are thirteen stripes but due to lack of space there are not 50 stars. The boots have 23 inch tops, measured from the top of the heel base to the top of the boot. They are supported by two inch heels. The vamps and counters are from chocolate elephant hide, and tops are of inlaid calf. I hope you enjoy looking at them. They took over 100 hours to construct from design to completion.
  23. Tacy You might post your question on the "custom boot and shoe makers forum."
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