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Everything posted by pete

  1. I LOVE the tiny head knife!!!! Want to make another and what would you charge? I'm serious! pete
  2. Great work Mark! Beautiful craftsmanship Tell me, how did you make that channel around the initials. It look REALLY deep in the fotos. Is that a stitch groover (can't be , the leather is too smooth in the bottom) and it looks too narrow to have beveled each side. hoh DID you do it? pete
  3. I worked for 3-4 years in Nevada and Montana on BIG outfits gathering, then 1 year breaking colts for the I.D. in Wyo (wind river, Rock Springs, Thermop, etc) 12" tops,4 row stitching(rainbow no less!) spur ridge and 3" undershot heels ( I have oxbows on my Capriolla wade) one in shark, the other in waxed calf. Zoweeeee! Can't afford to replace them now! Don't ranch work anymore so I'll probably just get some Justin ropers
  4. I've worn nothing but Paul Bond's since the early 70's. Great boots. There are others out there like Blucher but I love Pauls (all except the price these days!)
  5. is there any reason that you can't just use a compass for circles, a ruler for straight lines, and a piece of posterboard? Use it as a template, poke your holes with the spots and when they are spaced and lines up, place it on your project . Maybe I don't really understand your question and problem but if you could elaborate a bit more then we can help more. pete
  6. just curious- what exactly makes it a "threeperson" design? pete
  7. the circles are great.Did you cut them, bevel and then draw another line from the center(again) or use the beveled line and dividers or single creaser? pete
  8. do you cut your circles freehand after tracing or do you cut around the template as you hold it there? this is going to be neat to watch! thanks pete
  9. I made the same post a few months ago and got no response. I STILL think that it is a great idea. Use it a lot myself for intricate things. What I posted was using it for basket stamp practice when someone wrote in that he was having trouble keeping them lined up and even. I'll go one better- TAKE SOME PLAYDOUGH OR CLAY TO TANDY, SPRINGFIELD LEATHER, ETC AND COMPARE STAMPS BEFORE YOU BUY!. pete
  10. "But that fact is, you can't walk through life always being nice no matter how hard you try. " uh...... why not? pete
  11. check out Crossbreed Holsters. Besides being the very best that you can buy, they are light( 5/6, 6/7 ?) leather with the kydex riveted to it. Phenomenal holsters- can't break them, can't feel them(IWB) pete www.crossbreedholsters.com
  12. Is there something that you all use to thin the Feibing;s paste? I've got a few jars that are just starting to thicken up a bit. Smears on well but gets pretty dry to rub off quickly. pete
  13. 2 things that may help. One is that I buy a roll of clear shelf liner and cover the slab. Easy to replace, doesn't absorb dye etc. Also, glue rubs of easily. Second- I clean my brushes in a cap or two o reducer(thinner). I pour the dirty dye into another bottle. After a few jobs I have a bottle of really interesting dye that I use to clean the marble. Doesn't leave it colored pete
  14. I made the same thing years ago! I didn't know that they HAD push bevelers and took a wooden dowel and drilled a hole in it too. whood uh thunk! by the way, it doesn't do as good a job as a mallet because you have to push down SO hard to get it deep, but it does a really nice job of smoothing it out when you do. Better than a modeling spoon by far. pete
  15. Kevin at Springfield leather- 1.800.668.8518 pete
  16. First off I did this really quickly. All of the lines and stamps are extra heavy so that you can see them. The first picture shows a project with a base and centerline. Place the bw stamp on the line with HALF ON EACH SIDE! 1-Stamp a faint stamp or just mark where the bottom right leg "A" touches the baseline. 2-rotate the stamp so that the bottom right (leg "A") is still on the mark and the bottom left "B" is touching the vertical line. this is the proper angle. Go up the right side matching the legs and touching the centerline. Do the opposite on the left side, Hope this was clear pete I give up trying to post the 2nd and third pictures! I am not real literate in this stuff- sorry folks, but I think that you will get the message.
  17. It's kind of hard to explain but I'll try. To get the right angle the first time,take the example shown (vertical/center line down the middle) and place your b.w. stamp horizontal to the right of it so that it is laying across the bottom and the left top and bottom legs are touching the vertical line. Gently tip the stamp to the right so that the bottom right leg is STILL touching the base line and the bottom left leg is touching the vertical line . It's a subtle move but if done correctly the rest of the stamps going up the vertical line will just touch the center. no measuring pete I "think" that Bruce Johnson did a tutorial awhile back on how to run a stamp along a border with the proper angle. Same idea but you are using a center line instead of a border
  18. thanks Jordan- I'll try the local gun shop and see if I can trace it. pete
  19. does anyone have a bersa 380 blue gun that I could borrow for a day I'll pay shipping both ways if you like. It's a present for my brother-in-law. thanks pete
  20. Sorry if I wans't clear. I MEANT if someone had a blue gun that I could borrow for a day. thanks pete
  21. I don't make holsters but I have made 5 pocket holsters for myself and a few friends. We all have Ruger LCP'S or Kel-Tec pAT'S both 380 cal. My brother-in-law was LUCKY enough to score a Bersa Thunder 380 IN CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!! Problem is I would love to make him one but I have none around here and don't relish the idea of purchasing a blue gun just for one holster. If anyone has one I would be more than happy to pay shipping both ways and would return it- probably the next day. I just need to see one and get a few measurements. Thanks in advance pete
  22. I too know nothing about cue cases, but I do know something about leather, leather products, and hand made items. If I didn't know you from Jack Justis and I wanted to purchase a case and was going to spend some serious coinage on one, I really wouldn't care if I liked the idea, innovative or not. Who cares who developed it really. If there was a copyright infringement case that's another thing. Otherwise it's an ego thing pure and simple. If you make a better or more attractive product than him then those who appreciate it will come to you and spread your name and visa versa. Just focus on what you do and make it the best that you can "and they will come" If I came to your shop and loved your case and idea, I'de be really turned off if I was about to pay you and you felt the need to tell me that the d- ring/lace idea was your idea and that someone out there is copying it and that it bothered you. I as a customer, don't need to know or want to know any "intra-industry" stuff. Id'e have a different feeling about you from that moment. Great work as always--- be flattered that someone "stole" your design respectfully pete
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