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Everything posted by pete

  1. my question has NOTHING to do with making a connection of any kind with this group and their practices. I'm just curious-especially as to the current economic and political environment. How many of you (us) have (either) conceal or open carry licenses? Maybe if there is a lot of feedback Johanna might want to reprint this as a graph/poll etc. Pete S
  2. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. where do you need help? I think it looks great! Nice carving pete
  3. Joe- I just stuff a piece of sheepskin at the bottom of the hole. ANOTHER USE FOR YOUR SCRAPS AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT!!!!!
  4. I have had a hard time finding sheepskin scraps. Some have offered to sell me a bag load but felt that the cost would be a bit much(shipping/size) to make it worthwhile. I went to the produce section of the local store and found boxes and boxes out back from the citrus deliveries. At the bottom of each was a 12x24 or so piece of really soft(open cell?) foam. I took it all and now use it for antique, staining, RTC, etc. It's the same stuff that I used to buy for .50 apiece just because it had a little wooden handle on it! I also use spent 22,38,380,44 and 45 cal shells for flower centers. They cut well, I bevel the perfect circle that they make, and create my own center/seeds.
  5. your work keeps getting better and more sophisticated. Well Done!!!!! Had you done some really simple things it would look even better to my eye. groove the stitch lines burnish the edges more stitch the tongue rather than the rivet otherwise it is a great job!!!! pete I take it back- I couldn't really see the picture well at first. You did all the things that I couldn't see at first! nice work pete
  6. measure your sisters nose carefully! Measure twice and cut once!!!!! sorry- I couldn't resist HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  7. if it's any help= I use jiffy rivets a lot. I don't set them- I put a piece of leather scrap on the jaws of a pair of pliers and squeeze them until I feel it "pop". It's subtle but you can feel it give. Never had one pull out yet
  8. I know that it is super glue- but why does it work and stick so much better? I have had to replace "SUPER GLUE"(tm.) 3-4 times before I used the CA for model airplanes/balsa boats etc Is it because it is thinner than the crazy glue/super glue that you see in the market,grocery store etc??
  9. Lately have been asked to make a number of phone cases. I have had some trouble with the velcro sticking on the closures. Most want velcro instead of a snap where I have also put on a concho. Some want to stick and some don't even when I rough up the grain before sticking. I have used gorilla glue, barge, master, crazy glue, etc in the past, but the best that I have found by far is the "CA" glue that my father-in-law uses for his balsa model planes. It is as thin as water and sets up immediately even over antique, RTC, neats, neatlac. It is SO thin that you put the pieces together and put a drop along the edge. It seeps in like you were soldering! I've used it to bond leather (permanently!) instead of cement as it holds better( but it isn't very bendable) It's not REAL cheap ($3.00 for 1/2 oz) but it really goes a long way. Google CA GLUE or just buy it from Hobby Lobby or ANY store that sells remote control cars, planes, etc. They just call it CA glue. Also- since not all phones are the same size- when I make a case and it is a little tight I swab the inside with alcohol , wrap the phone in a few layers of saran wrap and shove it in for awhile. This is a shoe makers trick to stretch shoes. pete
  10. I have one of those Sunny Delight lunchbox bottles and pour in bick's about 2/3 the way. then I pour in about 1/2 oz. (1/2 shot glass) at a time of dye. don't shake it but swirl it and test it. If you need more add a little at a time and swirl again. It will look lighter and milkier on a sponge/wool so try it on a piece of leather. RUB it on and you will see the color almost immediately- it doesn't darken as it dries! pete
  11. mix your dye with Bick's #4. It will go on evenly,and will condition the leather. It will be soft and supple as and when it dries. pete
  12. nice effect! who does your tooling? Is he overseas or do you have them sent? pete
  13. I posted a little note earlier about putting my makers stamp on a scrap and attaching it to the finished piece. I have a small one and had trouble centering it sometimes. I now wet a piece of scrap that is oversized , put on my stamp AND THEN TRACE the "fob" onto it. This way it is exactly where I want it, I glue both sides, glue together, trim,edge and finish in the same color/antique/stain as the project. People really like to have it to add to a keychain, luggage tag etc. and it keeps my name out there. pete
  14. to get rid of the "fuzzies" rub down the back with a THIN line of Bick's #4. It leaves a really nice finish and puts back oils/balm into the leather. I say thin because a little goes a LONG way- but you can't overuse the stuff. I know- I'm starting to sound like that moron hyping SHAMWOW! but Bick's IS incredible stuff. pete
  15. really nice work. that adult comment reminded me of a joke I heard ears back. An old buckaroo walks up to the desk at a fine hotel and says that he and his new bride want a suite. The clerk asks "bridal?" He says "Naw. I'll just hang onto her ears till she gets used to it"
  16. could very well be the quality of leather. I have had some hurry up orders before and have ordered pre cut blanks from Tandy. They had some soft, weak, or "mushy spots" in them and the splitter either wanted to skip over them or gouge them out entirely. Try a better leather- preferably a strip cut along the back of a hide where it it thicker and more even.It may not be the splitter from the way that you described your set-up.
  17. I had the same problem at first. Sharpen the blade well and strop. Make sure that the leather that you pull is bent downwards- otherwise it tends to cut the leather on half. most importantly, make sure that the roller is directly or close to directly UNDER the blade and not out in front of it. pete
  18. really nice! How do you burnish the feather edges on the filagree and with what do you cut them? I know that Chan Geen likes to stick an exacto knife in a pine board and pull the leather into it rather than hold the leather and cut it. pete
  19. I had a belt with minimal tooling that I just finished. Most of the belt was dyed chocolate and I was concerned that the dye around the tooling would be splochy as I had to put it on carefully with a fine brush. Sure enough I couldn't get it on thick or even enough to match the belt that was saturated with a sponge of dye. BICK'S TO THE RESCUE!!!!! Sure enough- I poured enough dye into the Bick's to get the color that I wanted. Took a paper towel and rubbed it on. Not only did I get a perfect dye job but the Bick's put all of the oils back into the leather. Tallk about "one step dyeing" Bo at Springfield leather told me about it - this is ALL that he uses for his custom boots- to oil AND dye. pete
  20. pete

    stitching pony

    I have and don't need a tandy stitching pony. I assembled it but can dis-assemble and ship it to anyone who might want to trade for something. I've NEVER used it. I could use a (used if necessary) bisonett #2,#3, a bo beard tool, etc. Anything that you feel is a good swap. pete
  21. pete

    tandy edge cutter

    http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/de...ture=Product_68 here it is
  22. Hey beltmakers! How wide a border do you used on a belt to machine stitch a belt? I have the nice lady at the shoestore stitch all of my work but want to line my next one and have a border. Is it a matter of a border and a stitch line inside it or is it better to make a border wide enough to run a stitch through, or is it personal preference? pete
  23. Am I a complete "MAROON" or is impossible to use that tandy edge cutter with anything except a 3/4" straight blade? There is no way that the tightening screw works on any blade that is hollow. I even took an old hollow and filled it with liquid metal to make it flat and had a heck of a time. pete
  24. beautiful!!! What did you use for the antique and what color is the background?....and what is the material???pete
  25. If you adhere the smaller piece to the larger and THEN trim it will go well. I have found it easier to use a french edger to true up the edges than my round knife. I always seem to hold it at a slight angle at some point when I am trimming whereas the french edger can be used as you eye it flatly against the edges making for a really square 90* edge. pete
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