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Everything posted by ferret

  1. Is it just me or does anyone else think Tandy's new website is a pain to use? (I'll bet some moron in the IT dept. used the phrase "enhanced browsing experience").
  2. You could try an electric shaver, if that doesn't work use 1oz goat as a liner.
  3. "Leathercraft manual" here is a good book to start with, covers the basics and has a few projects.
  4. Merry Christmas to everyone Roast venison and yorkshire pud followed by traditional christmas pud and mince pies. Have a good one
  5. Every lens I've got came with a leather case and they're still ok after 25 years. I'd be wary of using chrome tanned leather on a case 'cos of the effects on the metal bits, but I've never heard of anything used with leather reacting with glass.
  6. Have a good one and don't sink too many tinnies
  7. Personaly I'm sticking with cubits. I can just about handle this new fangled imperial stuff, but life's too short to start learning new measurements every couple of millenia.
  8. This is a traditional English pub game called "tease the tourist". The idea is to make outrageus ridiculous statements without the tourist realising you are playing a game and don't believe a word you are saying. If the tourists refuses to get annoyed they win.
  9. Ray there is the 800th anniversary King John charter christmas fayre , St Nicholas Church Great Yarmouth 28-30 November 2008. Don't know if there will be any re-enactment/leather stalls though. Tom If you're coming over July 11-12 would probably be the best time, Tewkesbury's annual battle re-enactment with hundreds of traders (and a beer tent with some great brews) and 5000 idiots hitting each other with large lumps of metal.
  10. The chromium salts can have an adverse affect on metals, garment leather uses a different taning process so it should be safe. If the leather shows the same colour at the edge when you cut it it's not chrome tanned
  11. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/menezes
  12. There's a freebie wysiwyg that's fairly simple to use here. A quick search should find lots of freebie shopping carts, but make sure you host supports ssl/tls and mysql.
  13. Yes and one of them got elected as mayor of London http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=omMzPD1wjKU&...feature=related
  14. Like most things it takes practice. Use a 3/4 lb. ball pein hammer and lots of light taps to swell and shape the shank
  15. I've never tried oxalic acid but I've had good results from lemon juice
  16. I celebrate his attempt, it's the thought that counts.
  17. 1605, England was being ruled by an oppresive Scot and there were lots of nasty laws against people with the wrong religion......err, hang on a minute, that sounds like today. Try this site
  18. With all the excitement of the U.S. elections I nearly forgot today is when we remember one of our national heroes, a chap called Guido Fawkes, the only man to enter parliament with honest intentions. Someone remembered as this pic of parliament square taken this morning shows.
  19. Not so sure the skins are African, seem to recall someone getting something nasty from eastern european skins a while ago. With the massive loophole in the trades description act you can never be sure where stuff comes from.
  20. We did? I missed it, we had a power cut in the early hours and I had to reset everything. I wondered why it was getting dark so early
  21. Came across this article today following the death of a drum maker in London. Statistically there is only a small risk but better safe than sorry.
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