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Everything posted by Alexblow

  1. Welcome Deneken.Don't be worry about your English,it's clear and no problem to understand it. Very nice versatile work you're doing. Salut a toi Deneken,je vois que tu fais un travail très diversifié en plus d'etre magnifique. Bienvenu sur le Forum.
  2. I like it,like others says the colors is great.It's your first try ?If i can do such a work,i'll be more than happy.Waouw!Pics from inside ? Alex
  3. Marlon i've send you a mail.Just let me know what you think !
  4. Alexblow

    "Betty Boop"

    Nice,i can even say :"poo pou pidou" I like it.
  5. Grrr,i just come too late...Well done Peter. For information:it's just in my town...i live 15 min far from this supplier.If you want that i take contact with this supplier,let me know. I'm a hobbiest,so no Tax ID...But a phone call or a visit to this supplier,cost nothing to me,feel free ! Alex
  6. L'Bum,thank's.I've learn one more thing today. Ed,if you can have more information,this would be great. Marcel,i'm gonna give a search next week.It's more easy for me,because i can call,search on the web,but we have online search in the industry...(it's a book with all numbers etc...) Tomorow i go to the hospital for medium surgery,so i'l be back next week.
  7. Nice work ... The first one on the left...classic,but not so much : the angle and mix flowers with celtic...Nice idea ! Keep going you're doing nice work,i like it
  8. Ok,Randy can you send a pic of the "Made in Belgium",no others references? OTB = means ? Marcel,i'm sorry,i just want to be sure,because i've search a lot and never find something here(my country),i just want to help,if i can... I'm gonna have a lot of time next weeks,will try to search again.
  9. Hey, are you sure they are made in Belgium?Never heard about it... In case:i'm living in Bruxelles ( Belgium ),gonna give a search...i let you know.
  10. Hi Ed,sorry about the delay,i've add a brass o ring so you can see the diference. Just in case:he only have 5 off this,and he can't have more...his supllier want a minimum order of 500. I know that it can be a bad news,but i have take a little time because i must go tho the hospital next week:friday 22 feb... i'm gonna be out for 3 or 4 weeks... If it's urgent for you,maybee before The 22 ? Alex
  11. Roo,come on it's easy to find a place for you,build a place for you... [mad mind on] Don't worry about money...jus sell one of your childs :jump: . [mad mind off] Like everybody here: take some time if needed...you're doing wonderfull work. For the positive part: I give you a special free HUG :D If you smile reading this...I'm happy Alex
  12. Alexblow


    Rusty,don't be worry about refusing some order...i can understand . It's just that,when i see your Winston,basset and see what you have done with it... Waouw,it's like i said : better than a photo ! My first dog was an American staff (my avatar).I miss him so much ,my wife miss him too . The birthday of my wife is an the end of July,and want something special for her. He's got the same colors like your Winston,and well you know : It's like when you see a carpenter making something for him that is awesome,something hit your head saying :if he's making this piece of art, no doubt that he can do something similar for me. Enjoy your hobby,and show us more of your ART...it's a pleasure for my eyes.Thanks for sharing. Alex
  13. Alexblow


    Hello,Rusty. Very nice work,i love what you've doing with your dog...It's like a photo...in better ! Did you take commisioned work ? Can we talk about a project i have?Maybee by Pm or here,it's like you want. Welcome to the forum. Alex
  14. One thing that i can see,this guy love his dog...and probably animals in general. Great video,i'm just dissapointed that i did not educate my actual dog,like i did for my first one (avatar). When i see things like this,my heart is always a bit broken...Sad.
  15. bad day,isn't it ?
  16. Just love it...Freak I just got a big laught reading the coments here...Tom,Spyder thx
  17. Hi Esantoro,good news the suplier near from me got it,but he only have 5...Be also different in color:it's like brass with a black fade...He call it antique...It's not a shiny brass,gold...For the price:10 Euros each...If you want to see what they are for first,i can make a pic and post it...He's just closed to the end off the week,so next monday! just let me know. Alex
  18. Hi Don,it's not talking a lot to me,but i think it's a beautifull first one.It's not like just make a belt...You know what i mean.The tooling on the back of the sadlle seems awesome (more pics?). Anyway, great work ! Alex
  19. Thanks for your tuto,very well done!

  20. Hi Esantro,bad news:i don't have it any more . I can check with a supllier tomorow,but i'm not sure he still have this stuff.I will be more than happy to help you,maybee Gary can too...These are not cheap.I let you know tomorow what i can find.
  21. Alexblow


    Hi Sylve,your english is good,dont worry about that.People are more than friendly here.Welcome. Bonjours Sylve,ne t'en fait pas pour ton Anglais,il est très bien.Les gens sont très sympas sur ce forum... Si tu as des questions des doutes,je suis de Belgique...Il y a aussi des Canadiens,comme tu l'as constaté déja. Je te souhaite la bienvenue.
  22. Esantro,i think i have one,i take a pic if not exact the same i tell you later... How many did you need?just in case...
  23. One good news:I contact the man from http://www.em-brand-whips.com/ and he give me more pics of his tools. Here his cutter: And his beveller: I send more pictures later... He's a great guy,making nice whips but also very helpfull.(he send pics in one day)! For those who are interessed,he also give the plans for reproduce his tools !! I'm gonna see with a friend of me if he can make this for me. Please don't thank me. Just THANK Bernie !
  24. I'm not a braider,but i'm very interreset in know everything about it.Also about learning making whips(i'm just waiting some books i've oredered). Some time ago i discover a guy in australia making whips,and also having specials tool for it!cutting,bevelling.Idon't know if i can post pics or a video of them tools. His web site was http://www.em-brand-whips.com/ . I'm gonna contact him,to see if he's still selling his tools. I let you know something... ps for Victor:your whips are just a piece of Art! Alex
  25. Hi,Syd I'm not working with tooling leather,but i want to give it a try some day. I can understand your frustration,why ? Because i'm living in Belgium and here,everything reporting to leather is expensive...(tools,hides etc...)There's only one good store,but the prices kill me. I was doing some things to learn and to give it a try...etc And one day i was just searching for an 1/2 hide of leather and decide not to spend so much money on it.So i search a lot and discover a tannery near from my house.Talk with the guy and get a pricelless discount. I don't know how expensive can the shipping costs be,but if you give me a good description of what you want,and how much Sq/feet you need...I can ask him a price. Or for a begin ask him a small sample. Alex
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