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Everything posted by Torquewrench

  1. Google carry on bag regulations. Then get some kraft, butcher,construction paper. Start cutting, stapling, paper clipping until you get what you want. A tru custom design. If money is no object give the doc what he wants ,a one off design. A custom design speaks more for it's self than a generic pattern. That's my 2 cents. Ross
  2. The ENG and INE look like they were carved and beveled inverted to me. Ross
  3. Transfer from tracing film, carve and bevel! Looks great, use computer for almost unlimited choice of fonts. Practice on some scrap, if letters are smaller 3/4" or so smaller bevelers are required. By carving and beveling you can also do inverted. Craftaids are plastic with raised ribs that you rub with a modeling spoon to transfer then carve and bevel. I don't really like them but have used them. Ross
  4. Strop your utility knife blade and you will be amazed at the difference. They seem sharp when new but they are really not that sharp. Ross
  5. try buckle guy.com
  6. When you want to start drawing your own Sheriden patterns Mr. Park has a great book out. Worth the money!
  7. Very fine job! Sure she likes it more than the first. Nice clean lines, so it will fit in with any attire she may wear.
  8. Welcome, lots of folks from Arizona on the site. Head over to Wickenburg, the trade show is on this week. Free admission. Knife sheaths look good.
  9. Try buckleguy.com. They had a few items I couldn't find anywhere else. Just got my first order. Very happy with products and service.
  10. I have made leather 3 ring binders. Last name on spine, first name and some tooling on front, on the front I cut an ellipse out to frame an 8x10 photo. I make the photo slide in a pocket made from clear vinyl, a slot has to be cut in the lining and stiffener to allow photo to slide into the pocket. I try to do the tooling to suit the persons life style. On the back I do whatever comes to mind. Last one has seven roses as the lady wanted seven roses laid on her casket before it was put in the mosalim. (I call them drawers). This can be used as a memory book for the spouse and passed down to the kids when time is right. Hope this helps,Ross
  11. Very nice! He will wear them with pride.
  12. Is there a Tandy nearby? If so contact them. I put on a workshop doing key fobs for about 90 4-H kids and my Tandy manager really pulled it all off. Brought a lot of mallets and Granite slabs. 1 hour is pushing it for time. Keep it a simple as possible. Tandy may have a BSA stamp that is not in their catalog. (they have 4-H) Good luck, Ross
  13. Welcome to the board. Here you will find several Leatherworkers form AZ. Happy tooling, Ross
  14. I like your market bag. Coloring is hard to learn. The Peter Main book will help. If you get the chance take a classs from him, worth the dollars. Where are you located? I assume somewhere in the desert. If in AZ. go to Tandy Tempe. Jim is real good with coloring. Ross

  15. springfield leather, they advertise on this board.
  16. Try to get the BP down with diet/exercise. If the DOT doc finds out you are on BP meds you will only get a one year card. I've got another year and a half to get mine under control. Diet and exercise are helping. You also know the med. review board is going to make new suggestions to DOT to be considered soon. I hear rumors of taking BMI into consideration, too high and a sleep ap. test is needed.
  17. 24 views and no leads! Am I the only one in leatherland that has made a rolling brief case/laptop case?
  18. Anyone have an outlet for 5 stage telescopic handle assemblys? Like used on rolling brief cases or lap top cases. Ohio Travel Bag has them, but are not avaiable to the general public. They are replacement parts for specific brands of bags and will only sell them to authorized repair persons. I got lucky and got one because it was a discontinued item. But I need a couple more. The 2, 3, and 4 stage models are avail. to the general public but are too tall when collapsed. I searched the web till I am at my wits end, found an importer, but minimum order is 1000! Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Ross
  19. Thanks Bruce & Hilly, I will be checking Barry's website.
  20. I know what you are up against. Time is a real issue. I have had a group of 4-H'ers for the past 6 years. This year I was not able to. I was never sucessful in getting them to practice at home. We always had practice leather thanks to Tandy Leather in Tempe, Az. and a fine group of guys who meet there! We don't have a structured curriculum here. I just suggested something small. I always had an issue getting parents to invest in some basic entry level tools
  21. Looking for a recomendation for bargrounders. Something in the intermediate price range for now. Have never used them and want to try them out. Also need to know how to use them. Have only seen pictures of them used on work, never in person. Thanks, Ross
  22. What is everyones opinion of Mac vs PC. Who has made the switch, one way or the other? Do the programs that allow you to run a windows based program on a MAC really work? I am fed up with Windows problems, always a new version and always more problems. Are MACS really imune to virius,malware? Lets hear it!! Thanks, Ross
  23. I believe I have the same awl as you. When it pulled out I just epoxied it in and has been working well for a few years now. All new tools need to be sharpened! Wood working tools are the same, never sharp out of the box. They seem sharp, but when you get to use one that is truly sharp you will see the difrence. That 4 in 1 awl kit has blades that are way too large. Ross
  24. What does everyone recomend, pure neetsfoot or the one thats blended with other products? Does anyone spray it on? I just used neetsfoot oil for the first time (pure) on an article that has basketweave on one side and oakleaves on the other. The oakleaves have backgrounding around them. A104. I applied the neetsfoot with sheeps wool. I really like the effect it has on the basketweave. By the time I got all the pores of the backgrounding oiled it got darker than I care for on the oakleaves. I also noticed it made the backgrounding die apply alot nicer and easier. Or was it the fact this is the very first time I have used Herman Oak Leather? I was thinking if I sprayed the oil next time I could get more even coverage without being too heavy, thanks, Ross
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