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Everything posted by Kani

  1. Looks like it is not just the USA. Now they are saying on the news that Europe is also having money woes.
  2. Venison, buffalo, alligator, rabbit, squrriel,ground hog,turtle,elk,pheasant, goat if cooked right. I like all of those. I dislike antelope and dove reminds me of liver. yuck.
  3. Have you contacted Leather Crafters? They are good about sending older issues.
  4. All I can say is WOW! Wish I could carve that good.
  5. I'm jealous. Sounds like a dream job to me. Glad to hear you love your new job.
  6. Welcome Ryan, As a fellow Hooiser I can tell you this is the best site ever. People here are so helpful. If you don't know something ask. All are willling to help.
  7. Hey jbird, You've been practicing. It shows. Looks good.
  8. Thank you wildrose. The site is great. So much information.
  9. Tandy Leather has guitar straps on sale this month. Check out their site.
  10. Thanks so much. I think I've got it. If I have trouble I will let you know. Thanks again.
  11. I have an order for a Bible cover for a 8 1/2 by 11 in. Bible. The only covers I can find are smaller. Does anyone have a pattern for a larger book. They want a strap with a snap on it like the kit from Tandy. I don't have a sewing machine. I will have to stitch or lace it by hand. Can anyone help me. Thanks
  12. I think it's a real good idea. Especially for us newbies. You can get a pretty good webcam for around $30.00 to $40.00. Some are even cheaper if you can get them on sale.
  13. Kani

    baby food jars

    I would love to have them as well. When you get more than you need again. Thanks
  14. nice work. I like the wood look. How did you do it?
  15. My hobbies are trail riding, Dutch oven cooking & camping with the horses. I also quilt, knit, crochet and enjoy working on geneology.
  16. I love the lion and the wolf. Beautiful work.
  17. I don't see why not. If you look on this board you will see alot of work that people have done from pictures. I am really amazed at their talent.
  18. Looking good. I like it.
  19. Kani

    new cowboy

    I would like to welcome you to the forum. There are some very, very talented people here. Feel free to ask questions. Everyone is very helpful.
  20. This may sound silly but I would try my local library. I have found several leather working books that way. Good luck. Kani
  21. Thanks John sorry I didn't post this before now. Thanks again, Kani
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