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Everything posted by richclickerdies

  1. tandy in ft.worth on 820 is always out of everything , an most of the people are smart azza
  2. looks like you know whazt you doing, nice
  3. I would be glad to make you a clicker dies
  4. go to www.oldcowpoke.com they have lots of them
  5. Thanks alot ,Luke ,I'll order some of Al Stolhman books , Have a Happy new YEAR
  6. I been in the leather bussess for all my live it seems , But never made any gun holster ,I looking for pattern that I can make holster out of , I make my owen clicker dies that what I'm retired from ,can anyone help me on patterns , I sure need the help.
  7. I can do click out parts for you ,use your dies or make what ever type of dies you need.
  8. I have about $25,000.00 tied up in my leather shop ,an see thing every day I want to get, it has taken me over 20 years to put my shop together, so hand cutting is all right but you will need a good clicker to make money out of it , I can not tell you, how much I have tied up, JUST, in my hand tools. You would be better off finding some one getting out of the leather bus"""and you MUST have a good sewing machine ,like a Artisan 3000< I have one an it has never fail me , The tippman BOSS ,you will have a hard time keeping it in time, an lot of gun hostlers you will need both hand ,when sewing them, I just want you to know a leather shop take time putting it together , Just start out slow an build to it . good luck.
  9. 4 to 6K for a good sewing machine 1500.00 to 3000.oo for a good clicker
  10. I have used this company,many times, For embossing plates an debossing plates,this embossing plates can be use on any clicker press I have a tippman 1500 clicker . an I have many plates (embossing) an debossing , They are in Owosso,Mi , phone # 1-800-444-5552 . They do copper & magnesium plates an metal plates .They will make you one plate or as many as you want.Last time I got a 6"x6" backetweave plate it cost me $ 67.00,, now the bigger the plate is the more it will cost , this was in 08-07 of this year, Office=1-800-444-5552 =Fax =989-723-5399= www.owossographic.com I hope they can help you.
  11. If you think of the cow ! think of it as the head of the food chain.
  12. I can click out as many as you want, even make you your own dies . richclickerdies
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