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About JMcC

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Midland, Texas
  • Interests
    I enjoy leather work as a hobby but I am debating doing some stuff to sell. I also enjoy shooting clays and target practice with my various guns.

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  • Interested in learning about
    Various leather projects
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    By searching how to make spur straps

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  1. Something else that you may want to try which was suggested to me by someone here on the forums...get some of that elastic bandage wrap like they use in a doctor's office to wrap you after they stick you with a needle. Get it in a 1 inch width and use it to wrap your tool handle to make the stem of the tool fatter and easier to grip. It is also less tiring on the fingers. I am here to tell you that it works great for me. You can find that elastic wrap at any pharmacy chain store. Good luck
  2. Leather Wranglers makes swivel knives and blades as well. Check them out https://leatherwranglers.com/shop?olsPage=products
  3. How about laser cutting the letters out and then filling them with a dark wax?
  4. Wow! Very nice work Jeannie! I am Impressed. I'll bet my daughter would LOVE that bag.
  5. Al Stohlman's book on making holsters is very helpful for learning how to make your own patterns https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=how+to+make+holsters+al+stohlman&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=241925047876&hvpos=1t2&hvnetw=s&hvrand=11225605738372491397&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028613&hvtargid=kwd-125179749206&ref=pd_sl_8bprjiugft_b
  6. Acrylic circle templates from an art supply store work well for me
  7. Looks great! Hmmm, I wonder...use a thinner leather and cover it with rattlesnake skin...maybe an oval cutout in the middle for the rattle?
  8. If I were going to do something like that, I would just cover an existing case with leather. With a soft case you could actually sew the leather to the case itself...just an idea which you may have already thought about
  9. SOLD! Thanks all for the interest.
  10. That looks great! Welcome to the fray.
  11. Good job sir! I like it. Did you buy the snake skin or harvest it yourself? I am thinking about some diamond back skin for a project myself. I like the way the rattle is incorporated into the bottom of the sheath. The Sweetwater Rattlesnake roundup is coming up soon so I may mosey over and see about buying some snake skins if they aren't too pricey.
  12. Price reduced to $30 including shipping in the US only.
  13. Hi Shelia, I use alcohol exclusively and have never had any issues with smell or fumes. Hope that helps Ditto
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