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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Congrats Crystal (and Clay for such an excellent tutorial) You did great girl and that's a piece to be proud about
  2. I'm on it:-) I will continue pestering you people here for sure, this is my online Valium and my leather family The only difference will be the timezones, Sweden is 6 hours before EST and everything will be at least twice the price when I need some supplies ...Ahhh, I need to travel back often and stack up But truth be told, I sooo long after my kids/granskids and the Scandinavian summers, nothing beats them. Warm (not hot in most cases) not muggy and sun/daylight around 18-24 hours a day depending on where in the country you're at
  3. Cool:-) I like the miander work you did on it, I bet someone is going to be real happy:-)
  4. I was looking around to get another hobby (besides my paintings) a little bit more "hands on". I came across the art of decorating gourds, seams to be huge in USA. For some reason, when browsing the net for info about this some leather pages (read Peter Mains web page) came along, I think it had to do with searcing for dyes. The gourd people are mostly (?) using Angelus leather dye in their craft. Well, as manny here knows, I'm a huge fan of Peter's work and I was so impressed what could be made in leather...I started to read as much as I could find in the subject of carving/tooling leather online. After some time I felt readdy to get some tools (with some scrap leather pieces for practise) and eventually I got my first hide, that's a wee bit more than a year and half ago and I have never looked back again...This is for sure a bug, an addiction and I'm totally and utterly hooked:-) Tina
  5. Thanks a load Marlon and Peter:-) If I can not find Angelus in Europe (Angelus is looking for a retailer over there but has not found one the last I heard, 3-4 weeks ago), I was hoping there would be something good enough I could search for and hopefully find in Europe.
  6. I Love them. What I really like too is the pictures around the work, the "history" behind the carving:-) A question for Peter the next time you talk to him Marlon...What brand of spirit dyes is he using?
  7. Thank You Bob, I always enjoy your comments:-) Ahh...Thats an idea:-) I have one more I just started. I'll take some pictures along the way and I will post them up here when that cover is finished.
  8. Hi Ben, I found the colored one on his webpage...It would be nice seeing the uncolored one too:-)
  9. Hi...No, I use Angelus, kind of fell in love with them:-) Thanks Roo, I hope soo:-) Hi Ben, It would be great if anyone could find a picture of that...I can not remeber seeing wines/grapes on his webpage, maybe I need to visit it again? *S* ps. I whent to his page and I did find a wine and grapes, We have a different style and I love Peters style:-) I tell you, I had just got a new tool home from Ebay (a crowner 725) and it happend to sit closest to me at the desk soo...I used it, just twisting it around and smacking it:-)
  10. Me tooo really like your stools, I wish that the special bolts were available here, I like the style you have made them in, it all fits:-)
  11. Thank You Ken:-) You would probably be surpriced, I'm mostly "doodling around" with the dyes (and some with the paints) My patience level is mostly on low and I love when things go quickly...For better or worse ? ?
  12. Thanks a million Josh:-) I love the latter too, nothing better than red to a nice juicy red steak:-) Thanks a load Lil'bro:-) I try and it seams I have found a very simple way to make leaves and such look more fragile...I just take a big spoon modeller and take down all the edges towards the surface, it kid'a works:-)
  13. Ops...I forgott, I did the swirl under the name on the computer to block out the sirname...
  14. Here's the last one, I've tried to make it personal, golf and fine vine being the major interests:-) Most is dyed with spirit dyes, acryllics is the white and black, the metalic and green paint on the golf clubs, I wanted it to look as realistic as possible.
  15. http://www.saroftreve.com/wwl/braiding/4roundnocore.shtml
  16. Looks like Clay's tutorial is a success, you did a great job on this one...The swan is awesome:-)
  17. Hi Pete, My first reaction is...Awesome:-) After reading the post I understand you want me to really look closley and see what could be improved (if anything). So, I put my nose into the computer screen and start picking it apart (*S*) Now, I myself only use black/white and metalic acrylic colors so I'm not that familiar of how the other colors "react" with leather. All the greens, I like that it is not consistent, just like mother nature, at the same time it could need some more darker greens (like shaddows) in some places...corners. I'm kind'a amazed that the acryllic came out so nice as it did. All in all, this is one of the best pieces I have seen with acryllic paint ever, you should be proud of it, I REALLY like it, it's most beautiful:-)
  18. Tina

    Celtic Horses

    Yihaaa...Love your choice of colors, if your daughter aint happy I can always send you my address
  19. Hi and Welcome...I to am sorry for your lost. I you want to sell it all, make a list, write down numbers on tools, price them, take photos and in LeatherWorker Forum way down you wil find the "Market place". Put up your ad and I'm sure you will sell it:-) Good Luck to you//Tina
  20. I'm totally with Bob:-) In a way I hope I'll never get to be "finished" either, then all this will most likely make me too bored and I'll give it up. Somehow for me the challenge is half the thrill, it has to be intereting in some ways to get it going, difficult enough so I don't know the end until I'm there etc. And Ray... Great Thanks for the confindence in my work *S*
  21. Hi, I have modified the same tool, I was just using my dremmel with the sander to make it smaller, finished of by using a 600 grit sandpaper by hand... "Easy as apple pie" :-)
  22. I'm still living in MI, and most Welcome Dale, I'm sure you're going to love this place and it's members:-)
  23. Really Nice Josh, You have come a long way in a very short time...Keep it up cowboy
  24. Tina

    Celtic Horses

    This might be great fun, but I also know how anoying all those swirls can be*LOL This will be a project later on towards the summer, I'm of to Sweden i a few weeks and scedual is full until then...Going to see our new flat over there, or as we call it, "the landing strip" and get some gear going to the move. Also going to hug my daughter, massive:-)
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