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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Tina


    Here is my collection so far... From left to right: LeatherWrangler, the smallest barrel and blade in an angle Craftool with an angled Ryby blade From Springfield Leather with hollow blade Craftool wit a ceramic beeder blade The one knife I grab without even thinking is my red one from Paul. I have to say, with the blade I have and the type of carving I'm doing, this knife Does makes it all much, much easier. It dances throu curbs and bends almost as it had a brain of it's own. I only have to strop it a few times during a big job and the blade don't drag. The narrow barrel also lets me do them tricky bends and curbs very easy, I can very easy go backwards and even "upp-side-down" I simply love my little red knife:-)
  2. I use the Angelus dyes and... You will find that they have a "Color neutral" and a "Reducer", both can be used to dilute the colors and make them into any shade you like. All their dyes has very strong pigments and a BIG container of the deluter is very useful:-)
  3. I think you did an excellent job on that purse Karl, it's beautiful...Time to pat yourself on the back big time
  4. Hi girl:-) I have a suggestion... Every now and agin when I get a mail here and I'm going to hit 'reply' I hit 'delete' by misstakes...Guess, the mail just gets deleted (duh *S*) I wish a question came up in between so there is a chans to correct the misstake...Is it possible? Have a fab weekend sis//Tina
  5. Fantastic little bird Clay:-) One of my favourites to watch in the garden, always a buzzy bee and fun to observe. You really caught the essens of this small bird, I also like the coloring loads Always a Clay-fan
  6. Hi Matt and Thanks for your kind words :-) As far as I know...No. I don't know if I miss people but it seams to me that MI is not a huge leather state but I might be wrong. When I have met leather people in person it's been in Indiana and Ohio at leather shows. Farmington, I guess I have to look it up on a map but I think you might be south from me? I live in Davison for a little longer... This girl is an "alien" and after 4 years here I still have some promblems with the location of towns here :-) Maybe it's time for someone to start that club/guild in MI:-) Have a fab evening...Time to hit the pillow//Tina
  7. Cool, glad it makes sense to you. Don't fotgett to post some pictures when you're done:-)
  8. Great Thanks guys, I have missed to answer you totally, I gotta get some better control over the threads:-) Lil'bro, I'll send you personal PM's in the future
  9. I love the weight of around 9 oz, If you ever decide to make one more, please PM me:-)
  10. Oki, This one really caught my eye, beautiful...Something you made or??? This absolutly comes on my "I Want" list
  11. Really cool stuff:-) The photo album, I love your design, it's so cute and whimsical
  12. Next year??? I'll be there:-) What a superb idea Ray
  13. Hi, I found this conversion chart online, it might help?
  14. This story made me crack up big time, thanks for sharing Knut
  15. Hi, They claim the saddle is from North-East Uppland, actually the neighborhoods of TomSwede:-) They also claim it is from 18- or 19- century. It has a name over there, Klövjesadel, maybe some of the other Swedes can answer what that would be in English, I feel clueless:-) Even if these two saddles is half a world appart they look very similar...And, I have never seen a mule in Sweden, donkeys is something coming from far away, not native to northen Europe.
  16. I found these pictures at a Swedish auction site tonight, I thought I share them with you. I just wonder how comfortable this would have been for a horse?
  17. JoAnns have several, this is a link to one of them: http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog.jsp?CAT...PRODID=prd17740
  18. Hi, I',m sure there's a million places that have excotic woods but, I have seen alot on Ebay, try making a search and see what shows up:-)
  19. Kan inte minnas riktigt heller...Gissar att vi adopterade varandra *S* Och Lil'bro...Ju mer jag ser av halsbandet ju mer störtgillar jag det...Korpvingar och allt:-) //*Tina som håller som bäst på att plocka in offerter på flyttlass från US till Sverige och planerar flytt, Pheuw*
  20. Jag kan bara speculera till vem *S*
  21. Cool, post some pictures up here if you do:-) I hold all of the layers together with cloth pins or blue painters tape, I don't want to make holes in leather/PVC where it should not be any...Just a "small tip of the day" *LOL*
  22. So, I have made some leather inlays in leather before. My way is in no the only way but it works for me. I have a template/drawing that is transfered to parchment paper. I put it ontop of the piece of the 2 pieces of leather that should be merged and start sewing on the sewing machine accordantly to the drawing. When it's all sewn: 1. Time to get all the paper away, a dull/round nosed hand sewing needle will help a lot. 2. Now I use a small, very pointed pair of scissors (embroidery scissors works fine) and I start cutting away the top layer inside the stitching where I want the second layer to show. I cut as close to the stitching as possible...I'll paste in a photo here of some corsets I made doing this and hope this helps you a a wee bit:-)
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