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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Oki....Help!!! Now I need to ask a question I read the attached file and all the categorys. What is the difference between carved and stamped? Being such a newbie I just do things not always knowing the right term for it *Thinking, this might be fun*
  2. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Hi David, I understand what you mean and I wount say you're wrong at all. To me personally it all depend on how you see the "frame'. I look at the leather more or less as a piece of canvas in this case and some others. Around a canvas is usually a frame that hopefully fit the painting but really has nothing to do with the artwork it self more than being a "nice frame". Then again, if I would ever to do work like sadles and such, I would absolutley keep it in the traditional way (I think *S*) It all depends and I allowe myself an artistic freedom that might not be the way it's always done. For better or for worse? Well I guess it's all "in the eye of the beholder"? So however we twist and turn this subject the answer is going to be the same, there is as many tastes and ideas as there is people on earth and they are all right :-) Have a great weekend//Tina
  3. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Hi David, Don't worry, no offence taken and intent understud:-)
  4. Hi, I like these Native American desigs, colorful and very decorative. Hope to see the tooled ones in full color when they are done:-)
  5. You people crack me up Big time...So much so that hubby's coming over, wondering what's going on
  6. Tina


    Hi Ron, Below the text frame to the right is a little button "Browse" Get your photo and then "Upload" (in green) Make sure it's not bigger than 1.95 MB Good luck and looking forward to se you pictures//Tina
  7. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Thank you Tim and your welcome. I like to "fancy up" things a wee bit, even so I have to stop myself sometimes:-)
  8. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Hi David I have looked at the way you are talking about and think that's the best way in many cases. My idea for this one was to "steel" the flower design idea but make into a my own wine of sorts, just laying loosley across a sholder. Somehow to me that's more feminin for a girl/woman (?) But I do wish I had a few more tools to make the borders more interesting *grabbing a catalog to get me some* :-) Then again, I seldom follow any rules or regulations in designs, for me that don't work..."Rules are made to be broken for developement" Ahhh, this might explain my love for the surrealistic art??? No rules Inverted though, that sounds interesting, hmm.
  9. Freak-ing Awesome:-) ...I relly love the way you made him and the color is abslolute perfect.
  10. I just saw that I had that one on my wish list:-) I must say again, Impressive tooling...
  11. Really nice mask, me like:-) What kind of colors do you use for the masks?
  12. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Hi Freak, I don't know yet...I have to send it to her in Sweden but I do keep my hopes up she will:-) Hi Pete Well (yes) and no. It's actually ideas from 3 different fonts that I put together (just so everything gets extra difficult of course*S*) And great thanks for your comment leatheroo :-)
  13. Tina

    Guitar strap

    It's called "Artisitic freedom" :-) I liked the look of the slotted strap but was'nt to impressed with the function hence the buckle. In my "art world" any thing goes as long as you're happy:-) I like the little conchos to..These are the once made for some bling bling rivets..Naw! So I had to use my little dremmel and got the hole bigger to fit a small size age bronze rivet cap instead.
  14. We send a lot of stuff all over Europe always using USPS. The rates is the best, easy custum forms to fill out with or without insurance and comes with tracking number so you can follow the package online on USPS's web site (and in many cases it can be tracked in the buyers countrys postal service website as well).
  15. Tina

    it's just Drac

    Hi Drac and Welcome from another self taught "adult leather" maker:-) ...and please, get us some pictures to look at*S*
  16. Cool and Thanks:-) Going to get in there to have a look around and see what I can use.
  17. I got to get me one of them rope tools:-) Really nice, me like.
  18. Tina

    Guitar strap

    Now, this is my really first try of making those flowers so be nice:-) The long pictures might look a wee bit goofy, the strap was to long to get in one go so the photos is montages of several pictures. I finally got the nerv to put some color on it to, I mixed Tandys antiquing middle brown and tan. I wanted some extra "yellow" from the tan. This one is to my dayghter and no, her name is not Icaruz:-) That's her nickname playing one of them fr.... internet games.
  19. Here's where I get my cutting boards http://thecuttingboardfactory.com/Merchant...tegory_Code=3WS
  20. Agree...You're simply the Absolute Best Freak *S*
  21. I've never been to Autria either, just in the neighboring countrys, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Sweds have i general a habbit of travelling a lot:-) Well, now the snow is gone for the third time but more is on the way...The weather here is almost just the same as in Stockholm where I grew up...Just the summers is muggier here and hotter. I can strongly recommend the Scandinavian summer, around 75, no mugginess and the sun is up between 3am to 10.30pm. and it never really gets dark in June/July. However, we do pay dearly for it in the wiinter, then in some areas is only a few hours of daylight/day. For your friends cross I would suggest a 4 strand round braid in kangaroo. It's way eisier than it looks once you "get it" and quick. Start out with a quarter of an inch leather straps for practice, then you can see how the braid works..."Easy as apple pie" Hi steve and Thanks, glad you like'm. Naw...I think I use the same tools as the rest of you? :-) I just wish I could find some of them in smaller versions...I fiddle a lot *S* Have a great evening
  22. Maeshin I think I'm a quick learner when it comes to "hands on"...However I read as much as I can before starting something new. Like the tooling part, I probably started to look at it around a year ago, collecting "theoretical knollage" as much as I can before deciding to give it a go. I just love the Internet, it's full of information, a never ending story:-) ArtSYou have to post up pictures when the second saddle is done.I live in Michigan and I've been i GA a few times...At the airport *SSS* That's one of the big hubs going to Europe/Scandinavia on my way to meet family and friends over there.I give you my best link to braiding. The reason I like this one it's simplified and very easy to follow. All the different types of braiding is at the bottom of the page. http://www.saroftreve.com/wwl/braiding/braiding.shtml Batting...yeah, that's the one, superthanks Jordan:-)I think maybe fleece and such would work too come to think about it.
  23. You're Simply the Best, Massive Thanks:-)
  24. Hi Is there anywhere in "my place" or somewhere else I can check out where I have made posts? Not the ones I started but answer and comments and such? Sometimes you ask something, or answer something and you want to go back again...But can not find it *grrr* Thnakful for any answers
  25. My fav. place to by hardwear is Weaver, around 90% comes from them, then there's Ohio travelbag off course, they have "my Jiffy Rivets and tools to my european standard press:-)
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