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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Dale. Well first off...I always liked to found out bounderies, what can/can not be done. For me personally the benefit is that I've painted with these paints since the crack of dawn. I know how to use them and how the behave. Translucent...In my book, the Rembranth paints (made by Talens-Holland) is the best you can by for money. They have a whole line of paints that you do not have to use thinners with, they come translucents as they are. On the lioness I use a couple of them with shaddows and such. I don't want to use thinners (ie; chemicals) on leather, this is a salution that might work (?) The oil paint can be used heavy or not. It's really easy to control and super easy to get super thin. Because I do not want to use chemicals as a thinner, you can always ad extra linseed oil instead. I did not use anything extra of anything doing the lion. Rembranth paints is very unlike any other brands out there, extremly ful of pigment but at the same time very smoth and soft in it self. Adding oil will let you work longer with the paint. The drying time is usually around 5 days on canvas and 6-7 for certain colors such as white. On leather, well I just have to have some patience and wait and se:-) I did not know that there was a varnish for oil...Can you hint me in the right direction, type/brand that works for leather? I will let you know how the progress' going. To me this would be wonderful and the possibillitys magic if it works.
  2. Well, one of the effects that I can do is half translucent (have pitty on my spelling from time to time, I'm an Alien ) I have a bunch of Rembranth oil paints with that effect and it will halfway let the naturual leather shines throu. The other total benefit is the time you have to work with the paint, hours if not days. I know that using scrap is the clever way to go, but off course I just had to try it on a piece carved and all I post that picture up here. The lioness' fur is oil paint, the rest a mix of acryllic leather paint and antiquing.
  3. Horsebraider, I think you might have a point, I don't think I would use it on a saddle? (big question mark for now). The importance is to get it to dry and then see if the pigment sticks to the surface. I just painted a lion, lets see in a week if I have another project for the garbage or not:-) Because it is oil paint super sheene and such in acryllic can not be used, but I do have this Aussie leather treatment with beezwax, that might work and put a nice shine to it and protection? Anybody, feel free to come up with suggestions...I'm going to go deep diving here cuz IF it works the possibilies are massive. Have a great weekend//Tina
  4. Have anyone ever tried to use real artist oil paint on leather? The reason I would love to if it's possible. It would be interesting if anyone have some experience and can share them...Otherwise, I'm going to try and see what happends. The paint it self just contains linseed oil and pigments. Just think of the possibilities, mind boggling:-)
  5. Here is a link that I think is good and easy to see when learning different braiding styles. If you scroll down on the page there is a whole lot of braiding types to learn. http://www.saroftreve.com/wwl/braiding/braiding.shtml
  6. Thank You Clay, Very useful and now I understand the"Modeling Lioness" better:-) I'm going to try it out and see what I can do with this style, it looks much better and softer (and personally I don't like the cuts in the leather all the time, they have a habbit of showing when you don't want them to)
  7. Purrrrrrrrrfect Absolutly Amazing work:-)
  8. I Love the flask Tom, and so like to see the pictures when in use, makes it more real. Gefle, gissar att du bor i Gävle med omnejd?:-) 3Have a great evening//T
  9. I agree with Freak & Michael Sheldon Big Time! The only people that can raise the staus of handcraft is the handcrafters:-) We need many times colletivily to have the guts to value our time, work and knollage and get paid properly. For some reason the many people has the idea that..."Handcraft, you do get something for nothing" and it seams to be universal. Whishig you all the best of luck TwinOaks :-)
  10. Tina

    Chap leather??

    I have used www.hidehouse.com CA for several years. I'm verry happy with the quallity (never tried metallic or neon) and they have loads of colors, and if my memory don't fail me even metallic, hang on, going to grab the catalog... Oki, the have 4 neon colors, 8 metallics and almost 50 colors of the ordinary chap hides around 22-28 sq.f
  11. You really have to go out with your craft...Your fantasy and creations are amazing!
  12. Hi and Super Thank Clay & Steveh. That is what I would like to do, "cut under to lift up" and get a bigger contrast. I just finished part of a project tonight and would have loved a tool like this, It would have been purrrrfect for my lioness' tounge:-)
  13. Hi all, I met my American husband around 6 years ago, and see where it took me, to Michigan:-). I have lived here now for soon to be 3 years. Born and raised in Stockholm/Sweden. One big interest is travelling, have done Europe up and down a few times and also lived in England for a year. If you wonder, Sweden is not that much different from US...Much less than one might think:-)
  14. Hi, I get it at turtlefeathers at your link...I only found them at one other place on the net but more expensive. If you never used turtlefeathers before...I love them, quick to send out your order and seam to always have what I want in stock.
  15. Hi,I use angelius dyes myslef but not the pink one (yet). Evey other color I've used have been even Much better than the picture they have...example: yellow, red. green, jade, purple, blue and some more.Give a go, you can always toss it away:-) ps.Just let it dry before deciding..The moist makes the color darker.
  16. Hi all, I would like someone to give me a hint of the differences between 2 undercut beveler tools, number B892 and B893. On the picture from different suppliers it doen't show good (actually, they look the same?). Can someone plese help me?
  17. Me like different too:-) Very nice work...I really like the dragon design and the way you made it.
  18. Tina

    A new Dragon thingie

    Glad You like'm and Great Thanks for your nice comment:-)
  19. Tina

    A new Dragon thingie

    Geezzzz, How am I going to raise the bar now? :alarm: *Hmmmm?!? Running of to the drawing board in total panic* Have a Super evening Wolvie:-) Take old practice pieces or so and give it a go...One thing I have found useful is a resolvent to go with the paint, it allowes shading much, much better.Good luck and don't forgett to show us:-)
  20. Tina

    A new Dragon thingie

    Great Thank you for your nice comments leatheroo, Randy & Alex Alex Hi and yes....I'm using Angelius acrylic leather paint, here is only blue, silver, black and white. I then finish it of with Super Shene (or how it's spelled?)
  21. Tina

    A new Dragon thingie

    Thank You Ken, You always has a nice word to say:-)
  22. Tina

    A new Dragon thingie

    Just finished of another comisson work and wanted to share it. as they are portrayed in the pic they are around 8" long each. I made these photos family friendly, the whole item can be viewed in the adult section (opends up by writing a PM to Johanna)
  23. Hi Joanne and Welcome from another Michigan living leather lover:-) Tina
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