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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi all:-) Cool, I have been gone all day so I could'nt answer earlier. I got a mail with concerns about giving out addresses in the open forum. Off course this is to be in mails here so that we can keep it confidential. Like Johanna say, the idea was to get/send items to each other to learn, ask questions, open our minds, dare try new things, start a collection or what ever. Eventually everyone gets/send something and we can start all over It might be easier to go after this list in the beginning (or not?) Feel free to come up with some good working ideas. I can tell that I started with the first on the list, tazzman. tazzman wildrose Cecil Johanna SCOUTER Myriam Froghunter Kani Rayban Bob Regis Wood? Clay (M) Banwell Hoyden
  2. Awesome Brent...I like the gold (?) roses on black:-)
  3. Good thinking:-) I just had a very basic idea about this, but waiting until you get the note seams perfectly logic to me.
  4. Brent, Brent...I didn't know that about you;-) Happy you like it *S*
  5. Cool:-) Maybe we should do a list over people that want to be on it? I start, and anyone that wants to be on it, copy the names that is alreaddy there and ad yours, easier to keep track of. If anyone recieve something, take your name away (?) tazzman wildrose Cecil
  6. Glad you both like the idea:-) I have a candidate inmind due to a comment the person made in a topic here if he/she agrees to keep "paying it forward". But I think this might be a good way of seeing other peoples work, not all people here is having the opportunity to leather shows and such. Have a great day//Tina
  7. Hi all, Yesterday I got a photo album as a thanks from ClayB (drawing some patterns). Seeing someone elses work up close in person was great and very useful/helpful. The album is super great, have a lot of details and different kind of work that I can look at and studying. Then I got this idea of "paying it forward", something from me to someone else, the only requirement is that that person makes some leather gods to someone else...Are you with me? :-) Let me know if this is an idea that would be nice and I start right away:-)
  8. Thank you Johnny, very nice of you:-) Drac... It is hard to tell time, in my usual self I do more than one thing at the time. I'm very easily borded or have no patience to wait (when drying time and such is required) so I jump between 2-4 projects at the time. I know i did the sewing one evening, going in to early morning hours...Just couldn't get the thing down until it was done. tooling on the main part + 8 hours, just drawing the patterns probably around 4-5 hours, then lining, all straps and assembly of the rest, geee, that's a whole lot of time. I hope it is anything of what you say, "the next will go quicker", I'm just on my way of starting 2 new, couldn't make a choise between them and need to fill out time, I have 2 older project going too that starts to get towards the end...well, still going to take a week or so:-) I'll keep you'll informed with pictures and stuff. Have a great evening evrry one//Tina
  9. Great Thanks Drack from "the slacker" :-) This was my first try at hand sewing and it took longer time than expected, but I'm on the way to make yet another one, just cant deside which theme, to many to pick from.
  10. How can I have missed this topic so toally? Awesome pictures Clay, I simply love the paw, very realistic:-)
  11. I missed this one in the flyer, I Love snakes (true) and this is so cool Scouter:-)
  12. bustedlifter Thats vey nice of you to say:-) tazzmann Wow *SSS* I'm happy your wife likes it, means I'm on the right track:-) I like celtic or what I would like to call it, viking ideas (have you ever seen the typical run stones, Sweden is full of them and they all tell a story, I'll paste in a picture of one at the end of this answer, cool stuff) and gothic/neo-gothic inspired designs/items. Say big HI to wife and great thanks:-) Your so very right about "we are our own worst critics"...I know this and still, I keep going on it *blushing* Tom I'm on to some idea with a "lid" (don't know the proper name in english...flap?) Just need to experiment some more cuz I really like this construction for a purse, it's easy to incorporate hair on hides and such. The ceramic blade is my next investment, the more I read about it the more it make sense, I only use the filigree blade to everything. Last but not least, Thank you for your comment, cracks a smile:-) Great Thank you SCOUTER, your comment are always so nice:-) I just said to hubby the other night when I showed him some items, "look, you can actually use them". I simply love the versatility of leather, it's awesome:-) Thanks Art...I did grab some boxes on ebay with that hair-on-hide and got a nice collection that will be very useful, this is not the last one with fur:-)
  13. Thank You Spider, very nice of you:-) No Roo to both, just "tooling around". I'm making some ideas I have in my head to create a portfolio for a new web page, I need to have something to show:-) ChaChi, first off, great thanks for your nice comments and glad you find it worth looking at more than once. I wish it would hold for up-side-down but it's only a string around and I'm affraid everything would just fall out:-( About the quallity of the tooling, well, I think I have loads to improve on that one, aspecially to do the straight lines, tricky suckers:-) Because I'm new to this I might have a chance for the future?
  14. Thank you Larry:-) Tom...No bear (I wish) just cow:-)
  15. I have those pictures at another topic here but I'll post them up here too:-)
  16. I promissed to put up some pictures, so here is my version of the stirup bag. And Drac...The last picture is the pattern for the sides, it worked just fine but I am going to make it even wider at the top (+2-3 inces) on the next one:-)
  17. There's a lot of "skull makers" in the forum, but I actually love your design Ken on this vest. Keeping an eye on you:-)
  18. Rain, rain and more rain...And gray. We went down to Detroit this morning. The typical Detroit skyline buidings where totally covered in extremly low clouds the top third of the buidings, nasty!
  19. Some updates on this project... I painted a few leather pieces with oil paint and then added super shene, satin shene and another letaher acryllic I had at home. After letting the pieces be for 8(?) weeks or so they are just fine. I've tried to stress them as much as I can by hand and nothing changes. My conclusion is that this works. I figured out that the best was to apply very thin layers of oil paint, almost just rubbing it in (still possible to shade and so forth) I did not dilute it with anything, I might try turpentine the next time depending on the piece. As I can see, this paint goes in further into the leather than acryllic (which only sets on the very surface) If it is used on something that is going to get very used/abused close to the body i might not use oil paint, the top finish will probably rubb off and the oil paint smear off? Well, people, my 2 cents of worth in the subject:-)
  20. I like... The stiches between the open flesh makes it even better:-)
  21. *Stunned* Absolutly beautiful work, I love the braiding and the inside carving details, really special.
  22. I would make sure that the rings is welded hence the Pit Bulls strength, I doubt that drawer pulls is welded?
  23. Here's my little work shop. I finally got around to clean the place enough to take some pictures (yeah,l I'm a messy creature). It's usually like a tornado have entered the area:-) The good thing is, I can always close the door and no one will know:-) I love my former dresser/drawer, it holds tons of stuff without showing it. It seams like the "bigger place" you have, the more you collect and the more you need, go figure.
  24. Looks really great Shirley, It came out very nice with the coloring:-)
  25. Way nice Brent... Love the Egyptian theme on it and all...Cool way of "making your own design":-)
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