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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Thanks everyone, you make me happy:-) jammon, I always try to make something "common" in another way, glad you like it. Ken, doing my best here to convince hubby "we need to go":-) Pip, this os one of my favo things to make, exspect more:-) Drac, I promise to let you know (Tina's crossing fingers)...Naw, more fun with competition *lol* Taste is something one can discuss forever and yet, it'll be as many oppinions as people *S* My inspiration for this one do comes from the Scandinavian viking era, I thoght that fur would just fit in perfectly, but that just my interpetaion...You know, wild vikings howling like maniacs in "furry" clothes. killing dragons, drinking mjöd (the bear of the time) and raiding villages *lol* Thanks Roo, always appriciate your oppinion:-) Ian & zman...What you're saying is exactly what most maker is hopeing for, Thank you, I'll try to keep it up:-)
  2. Thank You all, you do boost my confidence to get my behind over to some leather show, but the real treat would be to meet some of you there:-) Dink...I'll take some more pictures, I'm just going to finish of the lining inside of it, looks nicer:-) As I said earlier, I did take this one apart twice. The construction of it was a wee bit of "trail and error" and I kept changing stuff and adding (hopefully to the better) as I went along.
  3. Thank You Dave:-) You always makes beautiful things, go for it:-)
  4. It sounds great... I'm still trying to talk hubby into going to one. Hey, he drags me around to all these gun shows, it's only fare:-)
  5. Tina

    Mask on Mask

    Very impressive molding Roo. The mask lookes fantastic:-)
  6. Wow, Thanks Tom:-) Well, the rings is another thing I did when I could not find what I needed (antique colored brass rings to go with the clasp) so I just wraped leather around the rings I had and then some satin sheene, "you take what you have" the patterns is easier to draw than one might think, just takes some time. Sometimes I start from scratch, sometimes I might use something I've seen and liked but I alter it to something new...And yes, to me, I'm more inspired by the medieval and/or old viking runestones than the irish celtic version of it all so I call this one my "Viking bag":-)
  7. Thats scary things Clay. You know how it can be...Your often your worsed enemy:-( And here I am Drac, just loving my furry things :-) (it's actually "hair on cow") It started out being an option to wetforming leather (very intimidating to a newby) so I started to think of what I could use instead and voila, my furry friends *S*
  8. Thank guys:-)It's sometime hard to know how you're doing, I don't have anything to compare it with except for photos here (which is greatly appreciated) I need to drag myself to a leather show somehowe, some day:-) Great Thank you Clay:-)This is the third try of it, I riped it appart 2 times before this version and I added the thingies at the sides for the strap.
  9. This is the finished handbag/camera case I posted bits of here a while back. My first try of hand sewing together leather with an awl and geeezzz is my hands soar (and red like a lobsters tail) The pattern of the bag and of the decorations is my own. I dyed the dragons first with spirit dye in blueish green and orange tones, then had Tandys antiquing (the old one that is impossible to get anymore) over it to tone it down.
  10. Wow, great design on that one. I love the incorporation of two patterns in to one:-)
  11. I will for sure pop into your place when I'm in the neighborhood of yours, great thanks for the kind invitation:-)
  12. Welcome to the forum PapaWolf, and you got it right (in my book), this place must be the best on the net. People are really helpful and friendly:-) Love you wolf quote...
  13. Hi Emily, and I join the rest and say...Welcome:-) The only rivets I'm using is Jiffy rivets. I have a rivet press for that and it works great. Unfortunatly for the US market, I bought the tools for it in Sweden, I have yet to find them here and trust me, I have been looking for them high and low. If I need anything longer I also use Chicago screws.
  14. Great work Marlon and wife:-) I agree, you're a lucky one living there close to all the classes and such *sigh* :-)
  15. Really nice work Art. For some reason I don't like watches either but that brown one might even change my mind of wearing one:-)
  16. Thanks Tina. Whose on the horse? Well, that's me from last fall visiting my daughter in Sweden (hense the english sadle and tack). I use to do horse back riding all the time growing up, not so much these days but is isn't because I don't like it, just the lack of opportunity to do so:-) Have a fab day//Tina
  17. Welcome LadyJ You'll find the nicest people here on the net:-)
  18. Beautiful seat Beeza. I love the fading/blending of the colors, great:-)
  19. www.hidehouse.com they have metalic cow hides, 3-3,5oz in silver, gold, turquoise, blue, red, pink, purple and emerald green...I'm just looking in their catalog)
  20. Tina

    Bulldog mask

    You really crack me up:-) Great mask.
  21. That is a nice buckle.As you probaly know I love the celtic patterns and Froghie, you really made it good with the colors and all, Love it:-) Gorgeous box Beav. I alway apriciate someone that can made wood look like this, congrats Kate:-)
  22. I like your artistic thinking here Frog, Great piece:-)
  23. That is one cool skull, I admire all the different ways a skull can be made, you guys in here have expanded the horizon:-)
  24. Ok, now I know what to aim at... Great work and the coloring is superb. I like the suttle pattern in there too, keep posting up pictures:-)
  25. Tina

    Leather camel

    Laughing out loud... That camel rocks, sooo cool:-)
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