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Everything posted by bikermutt07

  1. Thanks for that. If you don't mind may I copy and paste your answer? I won't use your user name.
  2. So, in a Facebook forum someone asked the difference between a leather conditioner and a leather lotion. I've never given it much thought and treat them kind of as the same thing. Can anyone shed some light on the actual difference in them? Is lotion more for chrome tanned and conditioner for veg tanned, maybe??? Any help is appreciated.
  3. For smaller stuff the consew 206rb is good. For larger stuff a cowboy 3200 up to a 4500 will do. These are generic models of great machines of the past. They are great working proven designs that last for years. Now one could argue that you could take a machine like the 4500 or a cobra class 4 and "dumb it down" to do smaller stuff. And people have. But, here's the potential problem with that: these machines are finicky at best. If you start monkeying around with one you need to be able to put it back to where it was before. They like to operate in a certain sweet spot within their specified range. And most, don't operate well at the extreme ends of their range. They have lots of adjustments on tension and movement. The tolerances are tight to make all those parts work in unison. Once you start playing with one, you will be happy to get it where it needs to be and leave it alone. The big machines offer too much pressure to operate well with small thread and needles. The small machines will wear out prematurely running larger needles and thread on the upper end of the tensions required. Sorry my answer wasn't more informative before. I was short on time.
  4. No machine does it all. You would need at least 2 to get the job done. One smaller machine like a consew 206rb and a big machine like a cowboy 3200 to a 4500.
  5. Would you like a unicorn with that? Lol
  6. Awesome opossum.
  7. You're welcome. The bag at the top of the post I made a pattern for. The link is for the totes.
  8. Thanks guys It came from this place. She has lots of simpler patterns. https://www.leatherdiystudio.com/ This one was called tote 12. I did change up the handle situation. Here is a picture of how it is assembled in the PDF pattern.
  9. You broke the cardinal rule. Always have at least one picture showing the knife. Looks great.
  10. These are the ones I own. They arrived sharp out of the box. I really like them. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SHBS4C8/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_i_7RgQEbE2JK6PN
  11. You did a fantastic job.
  12. I've owned two and gifted both of them away. The way I heard it, there isn't enough carbon in that steel to ever maintain an edge. Pardon my redneck, but I figure, you are probably pissin uphill.
  13. That explains it for me. I ordered two knives a year ago in February. But, I promised not to hound him. I'm sure he needs a well deserved break. He is a great guy. Good Luck, Terry. We love ya.
  14. Thanks. It was a printed leather from Tandy. It's pretty cheap feeling and has a firmer bossy than it should at that thickness. It didn't mark well, so I opted against braiding it.
  15. Don Gonzales' DG Saddlery also does repairs. He's in College Station area.
  16. I'm sure you're on to something. It seems the indestructible and solid brass approach doesn't necessarily add to a fasionble sales equation. But, maybe the new handle styles will help. And? It's not like I need to sell them, thankfully. But, they may make their way to a craft show sooner or later. And, at a low enough sale price almost anything will move. The leathers were all inexpensive. I have sold enough of them to recoup the hardware costs, and probably even the leather. So, if I sell the rest for pocket cash it's not really a loss. Just time spent doing my hobby. That in itself is worth the time, if you know what I mean.
  17. that was some English bull hide from @nstarleather. It is a wonderful thin upolstrery pull up leather. It has an awesome bloom. And yes, it is printed. The purple stuff is from Tandy. It's some cheapy feeling stuff.
  18. As you all know I'm a big fan of batch making. Well, last year about this time I cut out and punched about 15 of these bags. I completed some of them throughout the year, but I was never in love with the strap and hardware system involved in it, and they didn't sell well. Fast forward to this weekend and a moderate understanding of the mystery braid..... I completed my last eight bags this weekend. I think the different strap designs will help. I also batched out some coin purses.
  19. Sweet.
  20. If anyone can fix it, I would say Steve at Bedo's Leatherworks. He loves these projects, but he's not cheap. http://www.leatherrepair.com/
  21. I ordered these.... https://www.ebay.com/itm/153473641136 Cool. I lived in Deer Park more than once. I finished these three up today.
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